film and std's

how could you put someone in a film that is 100% likely to have herpes and cold sores? wouldnt that make things more difficult?


1. you are retarded

2. Every single person in the world has the herpes virus, it is just dormant, if you have never had a cold sore that doesn't mean you don't have it. If you say you don't have it you are a dirty liar.

3.At least she is trying to work her way up in the world, into real movies.

4. Pornstars get checked for STDs before and after every adult movie they make, the Porn industry isn't as dirty as you think.

5. Shut up.


It is interesting how self-regulated the porn industry is. They seem to be very aware that if someone screws something up the government will step in and make lots of rules.

Other industries could take a lesson from porn.


lol, you're less likely to get a STD with a porn actress (who has to care about STDs, whose career depends on the fact she stays clean) than with the average girl (who may not care, who may not be educated enough).


what kind of asinine statement is that? lol! that's just as stupid as the OP's comment.


The statement makes some sense. How often do people who don't work in porn get tested for STD's? Probably not every month.

