MovieChat Forums > The Girlfriend Experience (2009) Discussion > Sasha Grey is too cold to be a good acto...

Sasha Grey is too cold to be a good actor.

To be a good actor you must be able to imitate and touch upon all emotions. The problem with this for Sasha Grey is she has no emotions. She's as cold as a mid-waist dip in the river. The girl has no expressionism in real life and you can tell she's an emotionalist waste as is reflected on film. She has no future in acting so I'd suggest she continue taking it up in her arse.

How typical. A pornstar with dreams of making it a big movie star... HA... HA.. HA.... dream on bitch


Wow, more anger towards a porn star, how shocking.

I don't think she did a great job, but that distance was clearly part of the character. Whether that was crafted into the role to fit her acting limitations is uncertain, but nevertheless it was intended.


Whatever she was intending upon in this film, she may of accomplished it or not. What I'm speaking about is that I don't think she'll ever have a distant future in acting because she wont be able to overcome any adversity. She's clearly 1 dimensional. Angst, anger, fear. Things like this she may be able to reflect upon but never any happy go lucky role or anything showing genuine characteristics in a different light.

The bitch seems like a cold blooded murder of some sort. She looks like the type that would stomp a kitten out with stilettos all to get some bro off.


You call her a “bitch.” Why? Look, I realize that you don’t like dealing with being asked a question. Questions make your brain hurt; but tell me why lack of talent (assuming your alleged argument is correct, and I’m not sure that it is) deserves such derogation? If you’ve any doubt, I AM making fun of you for being a despicable, nitwitted asshole who does not know the difference between “have” and “of.” Please do not reproduce.


Problem is that acting requires a little bit more than being good at sucking dicks.

In order to make a good performance, a person must have some knowledge in theatre and/or acting. Sasha Gery clearly does not have it. That´s why she was a disaster in the movie. Not to mention that Sodenbergh did a *beep* up on this one, same as he did on Solaris.


a person must have some knowledge in theatre and/or acting.

That's not true at all. Tons of nonactors have given great performances in film.

Problem is that acting requires a little bit more than being good at sucking dicks.

Wow, more anger towards a porn star, how shocking.


Set to play Vince's girlfriend on Entourage this season...


Too bad she's more successful than you'll ever be in your miserable life, huh?


@wholovestroma haha you obviously took offense to my original post. No worry. No need to defend a wet nasty backsided slut like she. Simply because there is no need to defend one who's sold her soul to the devil and taken a shot upon her backside with the devil's juice. I'm currently a student at University of Michigan, so yes you are correct as of now she's more successful than me but then again I don't get fisted upon my arse and get creampied for a pay check.

*Statement still stands though. the girl can't act worth a damn but she has another profession, which is her true calling. porn star turned actor? haha please N!**@



She was outstanding in the first season of The Girlfriend Experience. It was the only season I enjoyed. Season 2 was bad. Season 3 was intolerable.

Yeah, but she’s “only” a sex worker, so she’s beneath you, right, OP?

Enjoy the cubicle where you’re ensconced with your UoM diploma today.


ya i totally disagree here. I imagine the coldness comes with the territory of her job and only a real live escort or porn star could portray this coldness correctly and as believable. over time they would have to build this shell to deal with the stuff they do on a daily basis. that was a major point in this whole movie, if there was any way anyone could penetrate (no pun intended)her shell and find out who she really is inside. not just an escort and NOT JUST A PORN STAR. a real person with feelings, emotions, love. all of those things that people like you (who probably watch porn on a regular basis) would like to believe these women do not have because for some sick reason it helps you get off faster! the juxtaposition between this character chelsea's life and sasha grey's real life is un-canningly beautiful if you have any brains to recognize it!


hahaha its funny another joke thread huge fan of acting and movies. your looking to far into hun. you see what you want to


"The girl has no expressionism in real life"

So you are saying you know her personally, have met her on many occasions and talked to her in real conversations?

If not then you dont know who she is in real life.


I've seen her videos on youtube and I've seen her in interviews. Her real persona is very flat, she lacks emotion and comes off as being cold and empty and that obviously translates into her films. She's not capable of being a good actress because I feel like she lacks the ability to experience a range of emotion. I don't know if she's a sociopath or is apathetic or is emotionally detached but something is off about her.


This viewer was disappointed with this aspect of the film as well. The purpose of watching the film for this aficionado was to see how a very high-priced call-girl could act like one's girlfriend as well. It was like she went through the motions but there was never any real connection with her customers. Perhaps the most "normal" client was the first, she did not like that he did not provide her with a proper good-bye nor book another appointment. His seems to be the most realistic reaction to Ms. Grey and all her expensive shoes, dresses and lingerie.


She has potential. Look at her facial expressions:


She is too intellectual even in her porn scenes it is the same. Nothing wrong with it but she really should have stayed doing porn. She is fantastic at it.
