MovieChat Forums > Thirst (2010) Discussion > How was the wolf getting water?

How was the wolf getting water?

Some questions: 1. How was the wolf getting water?
2. When their vehicle got stuck why didn't they follow the road
back to civiliation? Why did they go across dessert instead?
3. Why was the water poisonous? What was in it?
4. They must of been starving but needing food was not mentioned
5. The breast implant had saline/salt in it. Wouldn't the salt
deplete your water? Like when you are in the ocean
you don't drink sea water.

Thanks for your help.


1. Wolf tricks
2. They discussed this at length. They decided water would be closer in the mountains.
3. Arsenic is a natural element and it apparently leeches out of rocks into water supplies, at least according to this movie. (They talked about the water smelling like garlic and Lacey told them that meant it as poisoned with arsenic.)
4. Food is always of secondary importance to water in a survival situation: you can go several days without food but only a few hours without water.
5. You may have a point there. I doubt the saline solution in a breast implant would work as an IV saline solution for rehydration: the proportions have got to be all wrong.

--If they move, kill 'em!


1. It's a wolf, it's body is much better built for not using up water. For one, they don't sweat, which is how humans lose most of the water in their body.

2. They had a map that said a town was only 30 miles away instead of the 90 miles they drove.

3. Arsenic, it is a naturally occurring mineral that is extremely poisonous to humans.

4. The human body can go for weeks without food before shutting down. Only days without water. Eating food without having something to drink also causes you to dehydrate faster, since your body is using the water already in you to digest the food.

5. Your body also needs salt to work. When you sweat, you sweat salt water. If you drink it, the salt needs to travel through your liver, which is what kills you. If you use it in an IV, like the movie did, then you're fine, and in fact saline is actually better for you than regular water in a dehydration situation.



From someone who has taken, and taught outdoor survival classes for Outward Bound,

1. The wolf is adapted to its natural environment and probably knows where a local seep or spring is. The wolf can also get small amounts of water from dew on plants in the morning during times of draught.

2. This was their fatal mistake. They should having given the two guys most of the water and whatever food and had them walk back to the pavement immediately. Young guys can cover 35-40 miles going on adrenaline (up to 50 if they are in good condition) in a day on a flat road in an emergency. They closer they got to pavement, the chances of getting a cell signal go way up (cellphone towers are actually designed to cover highways in very remote areas). They would have been rescued by the end of the second night at the latest, had they followed this plan.

Heading west over mountains would have been a fatal plan. They have no good maps, orientation skills or knowlegde of any trails. Walking up steep terrain would sap their strength and dehydrate them faster than walking on flat terrain. Staying on an existing road was their only play.

3. Other posters answer this question accurately.

4. This would have been a problem, but not nearly as much of a problem as water. This is why the guys should have walked to the pavement immediately, before they became weakened from lack of food.

5. Yes, drinking the saline solution would have only made things worse.

As for the girl with the concussion, nothing could be done for her, and her death is to be blamed on her idiot boy friend for not taking needed precautions when heading 80 miles off pavement.
