Just wondering
While I wholeheartedly agree that walking off into the mountains with no sense of direction, and having to traverse high mountainous terrain, was a remarkably stupid idea, I wonder if they really would ultimately have fared any better if they had gone back on the road they came in on?
Could a person really survive an 80 mile walk through the desert, even traveling mostly at night over level terrain (although we don't really know how level it was because they didn't show the whole drive...there could have been lots of steep hills)? True, a healthy person with plenty of water to drink could walk 3+ miles/hour, but a couple days after you ran out of water, could you really survive an 80 mile hike?
I would think that once your water was gone and your bodily reserves began to wear down, your walking speed would slow WAY down, and it would be extraordinarily difficult to manage that walk.
Just wondering what others think?