Well, at least I know better this time than to waste my time or money.
MALEVOLENCE confirmed that Mena's a dime-a-dozen young director with at least some sort of hype machine (mostly internet) behind him, but it also revealed him as an uninspired, lackluster writer whose idea of an 'homage' to the 70s horror classics was to steal and unsuccessfully exploit other people's then-original ideas.
Well, his first outing fell flat on its face, and I really don't hold much hope that Mena's writing talent has improved much, if at all. That being the case, there's little reason to believe his sequel to MALEVOLENCE is going to be anything but an even less impressive rip-off of the rip-off that spawned it.
Wow it appears you have missed what Mena was going for entirely. Malevolence 2 isn't a sequel btw, it's a prequel and it's going to be awesome. Also, his first outing didn't fall flat on it's face, it was quite successful and his second movie Brutal Massacre is hysterical. He wanted to make the first film a big homage to the 70's horror films and bring back that feeling you felt back then. Maybe he should have filled it with nudity and bad gore to appease you. Oh well...You will see that part 2 will be even better.
To a great many dissatisfied horror movie viewers, MALEVOLENCE indeed did fall on its face. And, despite what you might believe, we did hear him when he said he set out to create an homage to 70s slashers. The problem a lot of us had with the end result was that it wasn't so much an homage as it was just a boring, bad movie.
And, truthfully, Mena didn't need to fill MALEVOLENCE with nudity or any kind of gore to 'appease' me. I'd have been satisfied with a well-written story.
You make it sound as if I am not a true horror fan or that when you say "we" you mean all of the horror fans out there. I'm a huge horror fan and have been for many years, I've seen thousands of films and even run my own website where I review horror films for a living. Malevolence has a solid story line but it's a middle part with alot of things left out on purpose. Everything will come full circle in the prequel and sequel that will be happening.
Btw, if you thought Malevolence was slow, don't ever watch the Changling or the Howling cause you won't make it through the first 10 minutes. I'm not trying to sound rude or mean but I'm just saying that Malevolence was a indie film that was made on a shoestring budget and it worked. May not have been the greatest film ever made but it definetly is an amazing accomplishment and an inspiration for indie directors that if you really put your heart to a film, it will happen.
It's way too easy to take cheap punches at "Malevolence" because it's not a "perfect" movie... have you ever directed a feature yourself? Do you even know how tough it is to shoot these micro-budget horror flicks in the middle of nowhere in bitterly cold winters? While "Malevolence" may not be a perfect 10 it's not the point. It was a great, promising effort. M2 will show much more character development, new back-stories, even a love-story and will have a much bigger budget and production value. It best can be described as a powerful human drama, a love story with truly dark and horrific horror elements. A very different type of movie.
Exactly, this prequel is will be able to stand on it's own. It has a story that works even if you have NEVER even heard of MALEVOLENCE. For those who have, they will love how amazingly it ties in to the story and flock to see this film several times. Knowing what I know about part 2 and the plot and everything else, it makes me love the original even more so. Give this film a chance cause I am pretty sure you will be surprised as to how good it actually is.
It's way too easy to take cheap punches at "Malevolence" because it's not a "perfect" movie... have you ever directed a feature yourself?
So you're involved with the movie and wanna defend it that's cool. But your logic is idiotic. So because someone didn't make a feature they cannot comment? So before you got involved with film, did you ever have a negative thing to say about a movie? An actor? A director?
I bet you have, which makes you a hypocrite. And if you say no you're a liar.
Using the you didn't make a feature film is lame. If that's the best you have for defending the film you don't have much faith in it. I thought Malevolance was alright. Not a perfect flick, but fairly good. Mena I suppose has potential, but after 1 feature it's hard to tell.
But seriously using the whole did you make a feature is stupid.
I tried doing that once, making every minute count. It gave me a headache- Adrian Monk
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"You make it sound as if I am not a true horror fan or that when you say "we" you mean all of the horror fans out there."
C'mon, man... don't put words in my mouth. I have enough of my own without you trying to sneak yours in there.
I never said anything about you (or anyone else) not a being horror fan. I mean, c'mon... anyone who promotes himself as an "expert in horror movies" (as you do in your IMDb profile) must be a fan of horror movies. Right?
And I speak only for myself, with reference to many other horror fans with whom I've spoken who feel similarly that MALEVOLENCE was an overhyped indie that failed to deliver the goods. Big deal. It's not like I'm not advocating that Mena be stoned in the town square.
Look... I don't know you. I don't really get why you're defensive about Mena or his movie. Perhaps it has to do with the involvement you describe having relative to his current production (some of your comments do smack of shill hype). But, to be honest, I don't care why. I didn't come here intending to talk to or about you. I only came here to offer my opinion about Mena, MALEVOLENCE and to voice my unpleasant surprise at discovering that a follow-up is in the works.
I'm with senchokid on this one, I'm still ticked off that I spent the money to see Malevolence at the theater. Went with another old horror loving friend, at his suggestion, and we spent most of the movie laughing at dialogue and acting that wasn't supposed to be funny. And yes, I realize it was made for very little money, but how little? According to imdb it cost over $400k, but you could have fooled me, it looked more like $40k. Which is really unimportant, the plot didn't call for much. What it was lacking was any sort of suspense, originality, decent acting and writing.... seriously, I thought it was boring, bland, and unoriginal. And for what it's worth, I like The Changeling and The Howling quite a bit. Both of them are better in every way than Malevolence, imo. I just though it was another dime-a-dozen cheap no-talent horror flick, that should have gone straight to video, there are tons of these things clogging the shelves at my neighborhood rental joint..... how it got a theatrical release, I don't understand. However, it was his first movie, so I'm totally open to the idea that he might do better this time around, and hope so.
To be honest, the only "shoestring" budget horror movie I've seen in a while that really excelled beyond it's means, was "Shallow Ground" from a couple of years ago. Supposedly made for under $100k, it looked as good as some multi-million dollar movies I've seen, had decent acting, a real score recorded by a real symphony (not that I don't love electronic creepiness, quite the opposite), a pretty good plot that wasn't the same as a bunch of other movies, atmosphere, nice gore, great directing, and it played it totally serious. I really don't know how it's possible it was made for so little.....
oh man... I just watched the first Malevolence for the first time the other night.. and I was so incredibly bored with it I actually fast-forwarded thru most of it.. I mean it was a piece of crap (absolutely no offense to anyone that did enjoy it... but I'm allowed to my opinion too). I seriously can't believe they're making any kind of movie that has anything to do with the first one... who would sponsor that? seriously..
70's horror classics? Mostly 80's actually with some 70's references (and even then most were from Halloween which came out in '78 and was re-released in '80). There's not much original thta has come from horror since around '87 or so, but better it be a well done homage than a remake. Ask a lot of the most respected horror directors and they will tell you that plenty in their films were homages to classics that they watched as kids and teens.
The movie sucked. Plain and simple. It wasn't a homage, it was just a low grade horror movie. Nothing else. The documentary on the DVD was pretty good though. But yeah, it was pretty awful.
People like *beep* like Paranormal Activity and Blair Witch , but puts down movies like Malevolence?? I bought this on DVD and saw it without any expectations and... I understood what Mena was doing with this and even if it hasn´t any originality in it, I loved it as it was quit earie and had more suspense than Halloween (which I like to compare it with) A suspenseful movie that had som scary moments and a great cast for its shoestring budget. Im looking forward to the prequel as I like both Biehn and Savage as actors and it looks to be as tense as the first movie. I hope Bereavement comes out soon as I loved the trailer and eagerly awaits this movie... Why do people that do not like Menas movies write here in the first place?? To take their time to visit a movie they loathed is oplain stupid...
Oh, jeebus... not Madman-Marz. I had hoped I had heard the last of you when The Horror Channel boards died. Sorry to see your taste in movies never improved.
Say what you will about "Malevolence" but Mena's latest "Bereavement" is in a class all to itself. I just saw it at the NYC Horror Film Festival & it is a stunning piece of work. Haters be damned! You must see "Bereavement" when it is released next february. You will have a different opinion of the man & his talent afterwards I assure you.....
Agreed. Bereavement is a multi-award winning film that is much better than Malevolence. There always be haters, but hating a movie you haven't seen - like some people do on this board - is plain wrong. See it, then speak your mind. Many will be surprised by this film.
NEW YORK HORROR FILM FESTIVAL 2010 - Best Director - Winner - Best Cinematography - Winner
ATLANTIC CITY FILM FESTIVAL 2010 - Best Horror Film - Winner
LONG ISLAND INTERNATIONAL FILM EXPO 2010 - Best Feature Film - Winner - Best Director - Winner
Why visiting this page if you do not like mena or his movies...it shows your IQ and what a bottomfeeder you really are... Your not biting?? No, but you´re sucking!!! Get lost nimrod...
Agreed. Bereavement is a multi-award winning film that is much better than Malevolence. There always be haters, but hating a movie you haven't seen - like some people do on this board - is plain wrong. See it, then speak your mind. Many will be surprised by this film.
NEW YORK HORROR FILM FESTIVAL 2010 - Best Director - Winner - Best Cinematography - Winner
ATLANTIC CITY FILM FESTIVAL 2010 - Best Horror Film - Winner
LONG ISLAND INTERNATIONAL FILM EXPO 2010 - Best Feature Film - Winner - Best Director - Winner
The problem is trying to see it....Extremely limited release coupled wioth lack of availability on on demand makes one wonder...Poor marketing, poor release campaign...truly "indie" path