Piece of *sh!te film

Terrible film. Laughably bad.

How do people fund the making of such trash? I'm amazed people would invest in such a venture.

Dreadful and pointless.

...And some of those positive reviews about this film are most certainly fake.

Horrendous. Watch only if you seriously have nothing better to do with your time, because I would love to have that 90 minutes or so back.


The film fails at the core. Namely a bad script.


These reviewers disagree:

“A Stunning Achievement. The new GOLD standard in the psycho killer genre.”

"An unsettling and boundary testing ride. Once again, Stevan Mena proves that he has what it takes to becomes a horror great.”
--John Fallon, Arrow in the Head

"The Masters of Horror will need to scoot over to make room for Stevan Mena at the dinner table."

"I can’t wait to see what Mena has next. Given his talented camera and the intelligent twists and turns
he takes, Mena has both honored and redefined the slasher subgenre"
--Aint it Cool News.com

"An incredibly intense and often quite harrowing master-class of horror"

“Bereavement is a character driven psychological horror/thriller film that is worthy of Alfred Hitchcock."

“ I found myself rooting for both the victims and the killer. That’s the mark of a really great movie, when
all the characters are so well rounded, it’s hard for the viewer to choose one over another..”

“ All who saw "Malevolence" and thought maybe Stevan Mena is someone to really watch - will know once they see "Bereavement" that they were RIGHT!”

“A strong story, plenty of violence, twists and turns and an awesome ending that will go down as one of the better endings to a horror film.”

“Bereavement is just as good as classics like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Psycho and Halloween and deserves to be
treated that way. I am simply blown away by how excellent it was. I cannot praise this film enough.”

“This is what horror SHOULD be. And furthermore, what indie horror SHOULD aspire to be.
Four stars out of four!”

“Bereavement is strong horror filmmaking. It was a long time coming, but Bereavement is worth the wait.”

“Writer/Director Stevan Mena has created what should be considered one of the finest modern day horror films.”
--Hayes House of Horror

"Mena proves with BEREAVEMENT that he's a masterful genre storyteller that knows how to deliver a gritty, powerhouse of a horror movie."

“Bereavement is evidence of a group of filmmakers who take their horror seriously.”

“Mena ruthlessly toys with our emotions and expectations.It's well worth checking out.”
--Mr Network

"Bereavement chronicles the perfect storm of bad luck, small-town tunnel vision and multi-generational madness that created a nightmarish sociopath."
--Maitland McDonagh, Film Journal

"Bereavement is a triumph all around. It’s terrifying, emotionally gripping and downright gory; everything you want in a horror film."

“One of the most memorable, gut-wrenching and unexpectedly beautiful horror films I’ve seen in a long time.”

"If you are in the mood to be terrified by the REAL boogieman, pick up Stevan Mena’s Bereavement on DVD or blu-ray"

“A revelation on just how strong a horror film can be.”

“Bereavement is a sincerely spine-tingling experience that will eventually leave your bottom jaw glued
to the ground with its sheer savagery. In other words, Mena takes no prisoners.”
--Joseph Airdo, Phoenix Examiner

“Virtually every shot in Bereavement is the right one; the editing, also by Mena, is first-rate.”
--John Anderson, Newsday

“Bereavement offers up enough in atmosphere and tension to make other recent slasher flicks look mild by comparison.”
--Lex Walker, Just Press Play

“A Terrifying Experience”
--Perri Nemeroff, ShockYa.com

"Bereavement is scary, thrilling and leaves you biting your nails. "
Mike Gencarelli, Media Mikes

"Bereavement lays a crimson-strewn claim on a high body count."

"Bottom line is go pick up this awesome Blu-ray and add it to your collection!
Any true horror fan will enjoy this brutal story that Mena tells perfectly." **Major Spoilers!!**

"A prime example of just how good independent horror and horror storytelling can be. Definitely see this!"

"Delivers some real surprises throughout in addition to creating Sutter, a
villain worth induction into the Horror Hall of Fame."

"a disturbing, above-average shocker that confounds expectations and puts our
emotions through the wringer, it's well worth checking out."

“Grisly, and worth the wait. BEREAVEMENT’s climax is gripping and frightening.”
--Michael Gingold, Fangoria

“…an intelligent in-depth look at a tortured killer.”

“Gut-wrenchingly grim, gory and ruthlessly efficient at provoking dread. A ghastly accomplishment, not for the nightmare-prone.”
--Colin Covert, Startribune

“Bereavement is one nasty piece of work, just the ticket for horror fans to see evil right up close.”
--Christian Toto, WhatwouldTotoWatch.com

Bereavement“ is very shocking film. Five stars out of Five!”

“Plenty of unflinching, hyper-violent on-screen carnage, enough to wet the whistle of even the most jaded genre fan.”


Moneyboy is just jealous he can't go direct.



No it was sh!te, but hey if you guys can see the positives in this film then more power to you.

There was nothing redeeming about this exercise in horror, let alone film making. Hell even Kevin Smith's first foray into horror(which I would use loosely to describe his film) with Red State leaves this turkey for dead.

If you want a great horror check out Jee-woon Kim's I Saw the Devil, but then again subtitles probably would put most of you guys off that think Beavermeat is the new standard in horror?! :-/


I would call I Saw the Devil more like an amazingly gory revenge thriller, and yes you're right nothing will touch that movie for a while.

I'm Cherry. Yes you are.



I'm usually willing to give any movie a chance, but even I thought this movie was pretty bad. "Piece of sh*te" is an apt description.

*Amarillo* --Euripides? Eumenides!


I agree with the OP. This movie just failed for me. I get that it tried to paint a picture of how a serial killer turns into a serial killer but everything about this just fell flat for me with the ending.

Also have to agree that I wouldn't consider I Saw The Devil a horror film. It came across as a total revenge flick to me. Granted, there are horrific acts that take place in it but it wasn't a scary, genuine horror movie. Definitely a great film though.

This, on the other hand, was a flop for me. :(


Reviewers may think differently, but that's what opinions are for. None of us are going to change our opinion on the film, regardless of how many reviews you post.

For what it's worth, I agree with the OP that this is was pretty bad. Nowhere near the worst I've seen, but if I never watch it again that'll be fine with me. I'd give it a 4/10.

Now complete with new posts!


I totally agree with you that watching this film was a waste of my precious time. Not to mention that the whole idea of a kid without any feeling or functioning nerve endings throughout his entire body was just plain dumb and ignorant. I say thst because without feeling and working nerve endings he would not be able to walk around and move period. The only accurate thing was that he was a mute. I know it's just a movie, but seriously sometimes I think that it wouldn't hurt for the writer's to open a book from time to time and educate themselves before assuming that everyone who watches this is going to find that convincing. The only reason why I even watched it all the way through was because I kept thinking that it would get better......NOPE!!!


This movie had serious potential, but it was not coherent at all. How could so many people dissapear and everyone fails to remember to check out the freakazoid's house? And suddenly, the girls uncle remembers to go look for her there and get's shot and dies? After that more pointless deaths and the police just assuming it was an accidental fire without further examining the place? And the dog scene? Wtf was that for? To make us feel better that the dog survived? Common!

But this wasn't even what bothered me the most. It was the fact that this child actor' parents would allow such a young kid to make a movie like this. Maybe it's because I'm a mother, but it was just too much.


agreed, I think it's quite irresponsible for parents to do such things
besides, the boy should've died of infections with the wound he got on his hand. that knife was dirty, and you cannot stop the bleeding by putting a piece of cloth around it....


Just as there is a plethora of "bokks for dummies", there are "horror films for dummies"..The problem with today's horror film directors is that they dumb down the material to appeal to those unwilling to exercise their imagination. I really had hope for this film, and waited with anticipation for it's release, in the end it proved to be a very big letdown. The film is no different than what has been spewing forth from hollywood recently. Dumb kids, dumb adults,wiley crafty killers...cliches abound, orginality suffers.


The film is no different than what has been spewing forth from hollywood recently.

I agree with you but you have to remember that all the basic storylines/plots have been practically done so everything will be a ripoff of something that has been done already. It's hard to have originality when thousands of horror movies with diverse story lines have been made before a person makes a new horror movie. It doesn't leave them much to work with when writing/directing a new movie. I bet you in 10 years time all the younger people watching horror movies will like the new style horror movies better than the old horror movies because it's the style they're used to just like you are used to the way older horror movies were made makes you like them more.

Are you thru? Not even close bud.
The breakfast club.


in whole agreement the film is so bad. I hate when I waste my time and money on a horrid film


You should try listing why you didn't like it instead of generalizing by calling it trash and saying the movie was dreadful and pointless. Just cause you didn't like it doesn't mean those reviews are fake or that there can't be a person out there who likes this movie.

Are you thru? Not even close bud.
The breakfast club.


I thought Malevolence was the better of the two. This was quite boring, even at the end it only slightly picked up it's pace. Also this felt a lot more Hollywood than Malevolence.

John Hancock


Haven't seen Malevolence yet, but i thought this was a really good movie. Good enough to be shown in theaters (It wasn't where i live). A little bit boring and repetitive at times, maybe. Cinematography was nice. Lots of throwbacks to some of the older horror movies without being to blatant (IE: The Shining, Psycho, TCM, Halloween, Friday the 13th p2, Prom Night, Unhinged, Frailty, House of 1000 Corpses). It's nice to see a bit of fresh life being breathed into a dying genre.


there was nothing fresh in this at all. Its bland, boring and cliched. zero style there is absolutely nothing new or redeeming in this at all.

the reviews are from those crappy horror sites, and a lot of them must be fake because they are so far off the mark its almost laughable.



Umm, I would actually say killing off the innocent blonde little girl at the end (off-screen though it was) is the very definition of "fresh". I'm tired of film pulling punches out of some warped sense of respect for 'family values'.

This movie takes family values and sodomizes it while choking the life out of it simultaneously. Fresh.

