Really boring movie. How it has gotten any good reviews is beyond me.
The below text might contain some minor spoilers.
I think the script ruined this movie, because the actors are doing an alright job, the camera movement and production values are there.. but it is just plain boring. It's not even any gore..
This is a movie about some old half-senile old guy that butchers random people nobody cares about. And every death scene is with him stabbing them in a shadowy corner, while they scream annoyingly, for up to 30 seconds, until they die.
Yeah, they tried to add a twist: The kid gets to watch.
Are we supposed to feel bad for the child? I didn't at least. Did not bother me the slightest.
There is also a background love story that seems forced, and doesn't catch on.
All in all this is a mediocre movie in every way. No action, no gore, no memorably(?) sick people that stays with you after it is done.