51. In a town of at most 1000, when a young boy and several girls go missing, the cops should never check out the creepiest guy in town, driving the creepiest van, and living in a creepy abandoned slaughterhouse. Neh, it couldn't be him...
52. When you are freezing to death in a freezer and are only wearing a tank top, do not take that blanket off the dead body to stay warm because that's just too upsetting.
53. When you go looking for your missing neice and decide to go to the creepiest place in town and think you hear your neice screaming, it's best to ask the crazy guy who lives there if you can come inside. Calling 911 isn't an option. Best to annoy the crazy guy and get filled with buckshot.
54. There is only one policeman in town, seemingly, and he can't be bothered to do his job because he's also the town minister, dog catcher, trash collector and manager of the local A and P. A bunch of missing and murdered girls is not near the priority of a beagle running loose in the neighborhood.
55. When you are being roasted over a mass of flames it is still capable to continue screaming even though fire would have burned your vocal cords after you breathed in after the first scream.
56. When you get into the guy you're crushing on's car and you see a pharmacy in the passenger seat don't be concerned. After all he said it was for his headaches, and that needs no follow up question/s. Best to be a rude bitch to your uncle who takes you in after you became orphaned. Because YOU do know better.
57. When you are lucky enough to get the little boy to free you, it's best that you make a ton of noise and scream often so you will alert the psycho killer that you are free. Also you are in a killer's dungeon with tons of knives, but you don't need to grab any kind of weapon, you have your loud voice. You might give him a headache as your weapon. Because you know your extremely annoying and piercing screams are your real super power.
58. When a psycho killer breaks in and attacks your Mom and your Mom yells at you to run, don't go out the open front door to get help. Run upstairs to your bedroom and start to cry. Your bedroom is much safer and not confining at all.
59. When you are interviewing a prospective nanny in your kitchen, MAKE SURE you rudely try to get the point across that your young boy needs to be watched constantly, as he's outside alone on a swing. What could possibly happen? He certainly would never get abducted by a psycho.
60. You brag that you are going to run track/cross country in college next year, but when a 50 pound kid gets on top of you and starts stabbing you to death, you must not kick the kid off you. Best to lie on your back and let him finish the job and stab you twenty times.