Where is the sequel?

This needs to continue. I liked the movie and the story has barely even begun. they even left it totally open to go on with the next movie. There is so much more Dragonball material that can be adapted. Come on, Twentieth Century Fox. Dragonball has the same potential to be a huge success like any Marvel or DC movie. You can do it.



Fox planned a sequel due to its success in the Asian market, but since no news has been announced since 2009, I'll assume the sequel Dragonball: Reborn has been cancelled. However I think Fox still owns the live-action film rights, and unless they plan to lose them, they will have to make another film within the next five years, seeing is the license will expire if they do nothing with it. Perhaps sometime soon we will see a sequel or reboot of some kind.




An Asian actor playing goku, I'll pass. when did chatwin say he regrets playing goku?

Mac Miller & Hopsin
one is repping my city,the other is repping my favorite rapper of ALL TIME



They lost a lot of money with this crap.

If they ever made a sequel (I pray to Kami-Sama they don't), probably will go straight-to-DVD.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language.


It's coming, man. Don't worry.


It's coming, man. Don't worry.

 




It took the better part of seven years for the project that ultimately became Dragonball Evolution to get made. I've never been able to get a terribly definitive grasp of what happened during production but from the pieces of information I've been able to cobble together over the years, Fox acquired the film rights in 2002 and writer Ben Ramsey originally wrote a draft that was much more faithful to Akira Toriyama's original work than the finished film, to the extent of featuring Emperor Pilaf as one of the main antagonists as well as several other characters that never made it to the final cut.


He turned in that draft, only to be told that the story he'd conjured up was too expensive to produce by 2002 standards, and had to re-write it repeatedly as the big-wigs sought to make the project more manageable. According to an archived post of the Kanzenshuu.com boards, Ramsey turned in his final draft in 2005, at which point he left and the project stalled as Ben's drafts were shelved.


A major part of why it was even made at all was so that 20th Century Fox could keep itself busy during the 2007 Writers Guild Strike, and the script was rewritten once again when the movie was green-lit.

Given how poorly the finished product performed domestically and in most - if not all - non-Asian markets (like my homeland of Australia), a sequel clearly won't be happening anytime soon. For what its worth I personally like the movie myself, if only because its very different from the source material that I'm far too familiar with at this point in my life. Was it perfect? Hell no, but considering both the often-outright-crazy nature of the source material and the fact that this movie got stuck in development hell for as long as it did, not to mention the sheer amount of the original plot that was being compressed into the movie's short runtime, the end result is pretty much what I was expecting it to be, and arguably more entertaining than it has any right to be.

We all have our problems, some just hide it better.


Hopefully it NEVER sees the light of day.


Because it was a critical and financial failure, just about everybody rejected it before, during, and after its release.

I also do not believe the source material can successfully translate to live-action, the manga/anime is so out there it makes Ninja Turtles and Transformers feel tame and more reality based, and in order to produce a 100% faithful adaptation the budget would be Speed Racer / John Carter levels of huge. I don't think a studio could successfully market it and make all its money back.
