MovieChat Forums > Next Day Air (2009) Discussion > Sounds like a black version of Pineapple...

Sounds like a black version of Pineapple Express

It could still be a very funny movie, but when I read the synopsis on Summit's site, the first thing I thought was "didn't I just see a movie like this with Seth Rogen?"


I kind of felt the same thing, except that Pineapple Express was about Marijuana. This is about Cocaine. Drugs are Drugs, but what drug makes all the difference.

Please Turn Me Over ~ Mr. Blue Sky


Just because drugs are in it does not mean it is the same as Pineapple Express. Really. It has a totally different plot. So...yeah.



If it has Public Enemy on the soundtrack it'll be just as good.

Anything can be a game as long as there's a loser.



to me it did sound a little like Pineapple Express,but when i watched the trailer,it reminded me of an all black/puerto rican Smokin Aces a little

i don't have a sig


The plot sounds simular to an asian gangster flick called "6ixtynin9"...a package gets sent to the wrong apartment, and a whole sh-tload of trouble follows afterwords....

"When people do not have a past, they must create myths to supplement the facts of their existence"


i call it Black Snatch

QUOTE: That's not Heartburn, it's Herpes.



Snatch was great, but this looks more like it'll be like "In Bruges". If you haven't seen In Bruges, you should. Go watch it. NOW.

You taught me one thing, you Irish bastard: how to get fvcked!


yeah I thought the same thing. I think the music and the graphics in the trailer made it seem a little Guy Richie-ish too.


thats exactly what i thought when i watched the trailer

"Why would i want to kill you? You complete ME!"- The Joker


your mom is a black version of pineapple express

this movie looks too silly and fast-paced and the jokes in the trailer weren't funny either



I don't know why people can't just look at this movie as a ripe off of pineapple express. Why does it have to be the "black version." I wish we didn't always think in racial terms:-(

Huckabee 2012!!
