MovieChat Forums > Next Day Air (2009) Discussion > The movie had no white actors in it...

The movie had no white actors in it...

...Was this directed by Mirror Universe Christopher Nolan?
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Hmm, I didn't even realize that till you said it.



Didnt the Batman movies have Morgan Freeman in them?


As I recall he played a pretty big role yeah...


where did the movie take place at?

ok there's your answer

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I'm Sexy, I'm a Scholar, People like me



Did it really kill you THAT much to see a picture that didn't have white people in the lead for a change? I mean, damn, white folks are in 99% of damn near every movie ever made---hell, to me, a black woman, it's a refreshing change of pace to see a movie about people that look/talk/act like ME and people I actually know for a change. I watch foreign films (Asian and African, some Latin American flicks) where white people are barely even in the background most of the time, so it's not a big deal for me. Problem is, white folks have been so brainwashed into thinking that only white people are worthy of being seen in the screen, thanks to Hollywood dominance, that they have a hard time relating to anybody who ISN'T white onscreen. They don't know how to deal with a movie that dosen't have a white stand-in to tell them the story of another culture from a white viewpoint, because that's how thoroughly they're been brainwashed the hell out of. Which is sad, because I've seen a hell of a lot of movies where NO ONE who looked like me was ever in it, but I still enjoyed the hell out of them. I've always looked at them with a critical eye, though, while examining the white middle-class dominant perspective that Hollywood shoves on everybody and just takes for granted, as if NOBODY exists in the whole damn world BUT white people, which is some total and complete bull****.

NEXT DAY AIR was fun as hell, though. I remember when it came out, the way it was marketed in the TV trailers intrigued me, because it wasn't being marketed as just another lame black comedy film---or even AS a comedy. SO when I rented it out recently, I was glad to see that it actually had some thought put into it, like an actual story, characters you got interested in, and me being a Guy Ritchie fan, it was cool to see an American director biting his style for a change (and not Tarantino's). Love that fine, charismatic hottie Wood Harris (wish I could see him in a role that's not a thug for a change, because he can clearly act his behind off) and it was cool to see Mike Epps in a sort of dramatic role for a change. This flick wasn't your typical gangsta comedy flick, which is probably why it didn't hit big at the box office, despite some good promotion for it. It was good to see my longtime fave Donald Faison get another lead role for once (something as good an actor as he is,he dosen't get too often, despite his good looks and charisma). Anyway, this is a good flick to watch on your day off while just hanging with a friend, and a great reminder/cautionary tale of why you should NEVER smoke weed on the job---hee hee hee!


I agree with KGreen, we have so many movies that just feature white people, a few movies with only minorities aren't hurting anyone, they're just increasing movie representation in films, especially when you hardly ever see any Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, or Middle-Eastern characters anyway.

But in Nolan's defense, he didn't have much to work with in terms of Batman. And Saito from Inception was a major character and Japanese. There were also Asian actors in Dark Knight. You could find a much more "white-casting" director than Nolan.

"MALLL NOOO, JESUS CHRIST!" - Leonardo DiCaprio, Inception
