MovieChat Forums > Next Day Air (2009) Discussion > Question about the African-American comm...

Question about the African-American community

I keep seeing the same thing in a lot of "black" movies - that is films made by African-American crews and actors.
All this glorification of pimps and thieves. The idea that the only stupid people work and smart people steal (Eric: "If I can't steal here, why should I work here?"). That all women are nothing but bitches and whores and that it is OK (no, it's great) to mooch of one.

Is this an accurate portrait of the African-American community in the States? I mean, it can't be? right? I see plenty of talented and hard-working people of color in business, science, movies, pop and rock music, politics.
But at the same time in rap-lyrics or in the movies again and again there is evidence that a lot of people seem to live with those warped values. Is that truly so? Is this parasitic culture really widespread in the US?
I am truly curious.


You answered your own question. You see plenty of talented, hard working people of color in a variety of different areas. This movie is entertainment. There are degenerates in every race. So please stop asking if this is how it is. Use some common sense. And make some friends.


Is that truly so? Is this parasitic culture really widespread in the US?

Yes indeed, that's how we all are and there are also big 7 ft talking yellow birds that read and occasionally speak spanish in our communities too. Stop believing everything that's in the media. That makes you an easy target to scam artists.

You, yourself have mentioned that you've seen plenty of talented and hard-working people of color in business, politics, etc. and not to mention that the most important person in this country and possibly the world is a black man yet you choose to believe that the people in the black community are nothing but pimps, thieves, bitches and whores. That says more about you than it says about the black community. It says that you are an idiot and your opinion is not to be valued or taken seriously.

Don't Worry Be Happy.



No,dear, they're just movies. Movies are not always an accurate representation of ANY culture, so do not take any of these films as an accurate representation of ALL black people in this country,because they're not. Plus you need to start looking for films about black folks that are way more diversified than what you're been seeing, which is just a limited number of black films focusing on those subjects. Movies like that are mainly made for a quick buck,plain and simple. And they are nowhere near the only kinds of films Some (and I repeat,only SOME) black folks are like that,but you could say the same exact thing about some white folks,too. And I don't know what kind of black films you're looking at--probably some low-budget ones made only for DVD. You mean to tell me you're never seen THINK LIKE A MAN, THE GREAT DEBATERS,BALLAST,BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD, and MIDDLE OF NOWHERE? None of which glorify pimps or thieves. Plus pimps in movies are so played out and passe,anyway. Watch some black indie films (which aren't about any of that) like AUGUST THE FIRST,AMERICAN VIOLET,BLOOD DONE SIGN MY NAME,THE LONG WALK HOME, and many others. Also check out the more recent 12 YEARS A SLAVE, and THE BUTLER.

Heck, I saw two recent French films called a A PROPHET and PUBLIC ENEMY, in which both the main characters were unrepentant murderous thugs, but I don't see anyone claiming that all French people are thugs due to those movies. Which goes to show you , a film is not going to always tell you the full true story of anybody's culture,period--depending upon who is making it, of course.
