Funniest quirk in Cage's character....

A lot of the other main one's were mentioned already but for me it was the subtle way his eyes always lit up, smiling to himself whenever he knew he had an opportunity e.g. to access to the drugs in the police store room, or some other corrupted, f'd up venture....



Agree. When the chief says "I can't believe I have to put my best cop in the property room." His eyes get huge for a millisecond. Amazing.


"I can't believe I have to put my best cop in the property room." His eyes get huge for a millisecond."

lmao yeah i remember that. generally i just liked the whole performance, the way he stooped had me dying.



Yeah his body language was like something out of a Murnau/Lang silent film.
I'm still laughing like a crazy lunatic(who cares) whenever I get even a smidgeon of a reminder of that look.... Nevermind the hilarious dialogue...

Sums up his whole opportunistic, corrupted and drug-induced rampage...

Bad is good and vice versa.


Herzog is a true artist.


Yeah, classic...

-See reply below...


I loved the stoop too - it was a really physical performance by Cage. He acted with every fibre of his body and personality.

My favourite quirk though was the way he giggled every time he mentioned the character "G".



Yeah, the 'G' thing, laughing like someone stoned in the wrong atmosphere...

I think the stoop definately goes unappreciated by too many...

I'm almost afraid to watch it again, two months later, after laughing so hard for days when I saw it in the cinema...

I can't wait much longer... Day or two at best.



I concur...

(I nearly pissed but instead, cried with laughter during that whole scene...)
