Stop Fighting For Werner

Guys, face it. This was Werner Herzog after Rescue Dawn, fresh of shooting in the jungle, given a budget, and he lost it. He LOST it. Stop defending the Iguana scene(s). The fact that there are PLURAL iguana scenes is indication enough; this isn't a parody or a deft satire of terrible movies. It's a terrible movie.

Sure, I laughed at the scene in the parking lot, where Nicolas Cage "busts" the girl and her boyfriend. It was ridiculous. It was acting beyond reproach. It was not brilliant. Cease this Emperor's New Clothes approach to the movie, telling people the don't get it. It's offensive and ugly to watch, the acting is absoLUTELY terrible on every front (extras, renowned character actors, fat-faced Val Kilmer, and of course Cage), and there is no message worth remembering, if there is one at all. It's cheap shock film.

Sometimes we have to accept when directors forget themselves or lose their spark. Happened to Lucas, Happened to Spielberg, and it happened to Herzog. Accept it. This movie is a waste.




Laughed dearly about the "shock film" (and some).


Yeah, about as shocking as all those infinately funnier films coming from the dredge of mainstream cinema these days...

Instant classic.


I feel sorry for you. You just didn't get this movie. I'm going to go listen to Beatles songs backwards, now.


Not a good idea, unless you can sit on the ceiling.


I don't agree at all...
It has nothing to do with the filmmaker and reputation.
Herzog is just as, if not, more prolific than ever before.

I'm an admirer of Werner Herzog and have seen the aforementioned 'Rescue Dawn' and more than another few besides.

-Who cares what I or anyone thinks about the director??..

Well, it's not about the director...

Any individual film stands on it's own merit, made by anyone at any particular point in time.

Only about a third of the the people who I saw it with(at a premiere of about 3-400) were laughing, uncontrollably in their seats throughout the whole film. I was gladly one of them.

Another third were laughing quite a lot.

The last third either didn't laugh at all or were very quiet.

Everyone I've met since, who've seen it, thought it was hilarious, unhinged and totally off-beat in a farcical and ridiculously unique and funny way.
-Most of them are not even aware of Herzog or are 'fighting' for anyone or anything???

I thought this was the funniest, black-est, satirising, farcical, ridiculous romp through the genres or an idea etc. etc. i've seen in years....
...since maybe even Dr.Strangelove...

Again, so what, that's just me and a whole lot of other people... Or perhaps not?

-It's cool if you don't click with it, just get over it.

Leave the 'Hezog -cult following' debate alone. It's very vOLD.



I am diametrically opposed to the OP's statements. My opinion is their antithesis.


I've never gotten what people loved so much about Herzog. Other than Grizzly Man, which was mostly interesting because of the footage Treadwell shot himself, I've never seen a Herzog film that impressed me at all. I didn't think Aguirre was impressive at all.

This movie, if it were done by anyone but Herzog, would have never even gotten funded (except that Nicolas Cage is in it, but he probably wouldn't be if it weren't Herzog).

The thing that really turned me off were the scenes with the alligators and the iguanas. What in the *beep* was he thinking? It seemed to me like he was on set and got it in his head to take these utterly pointless shots, and having not planned for them, just held the camera by hand. The camera is so shaky, even compared to the shaky style in the film, that it just looks like something a total directing amateur would do. There's a reason why no director does this. It's because it looks like crap. This is beyond the point that it does nothing for the film.

And where did Cage's accent come from? He didn't have one in the beginning of the movie...
"I've seen things that would make you want to write a book on how to puke."

