Stop Fighting For Werner
Guys, face it. This was Werner Herzog after Rescue Dawn, fresh of shooting in the jungle, given a budget, and he lost it. He LOST it. Stop defending the Iguana scene(s). The fact that there are PLURAL iguana scenes is indication enough; this isn't a parody or a deft satire of terrible movies. It's a terrible movie.
Sure, I laughed at the scene in the parking lot, where Nicolas Cage "busts" the girl and her boyfriend. It was ridiculous. It was acting beyond reproach. It was not brilliant. Cease this Emperor's New Clothes approach to the movie, telling people the don't get it. It's offensive and ugly to watch, the acting is absoLUTELY terrible on every front (extras, renowned character actors, fat-faced Val Kilmer, and of course Cage), and there is no message worth remembering, if there is one at all. It's cheap shock film.
Sometimes we have to accept when directors forget themselves or lose their spark. Happened to Lucas, Happened to Spielberg, and it happened to Herzog. Accept it. This movie is a waste.