the woman at the pharmacy

I wanted to knock her head off!!!!
That's actually happened to me twice.
this bitch is own her cellphone talking about personal B/S


Hahahaha yeah. I guess everybody has experienced something similar. She doesn't care the slightest about him while he's wasting time waiting for service. And when he's helping himself she calls security.

Still, Terence knows how to deal with the situation doesn't he. Isn't that easy in real life, unfortunately ;)


Terence is my effing hero, he handled it so classy too.


just once..........I'd love to see someone really do that!!


Nicolas Cage handled that scene brilliantly.


It's beautifully played indeed. Cage finds exactly the right balance between looking pissed and acting out of sheer desperation.

"Can I get my prescription ... pleeeease?"




"Can't you see I'm on the phone?"

"You aint no cop"

"Then why you acting all crazy fo?"

Scene was great. And no I haven't had the pleasure of running into a clerk like that, lol.

But Terrance knew what to do?
