Hollywood uses artificial cocaine powder for snorting scenes

I once saw an interview on television in which an actress stated that Hollywood film studios invented a white powder that actors can realistically snort into the nose, which depicts cocaine powder. My memory is not complete on this. I think she mentioned that the ingredient was lactose powder, or that lactose powder was one of the ingedients. But it worked. The pseudo-coke powder was composed entirely of organic substances that could safely be snorted through the nose into the lungs where it would melt and be safely absorbed into the bloodstream as just another food product.

Does anyone know the whole story?



Lactose is commonly used to cut coke (along with baby laxative and more favorably inositol (something in all your energy drinks btx)). According to the trivia section baby powder was used in this flick.

FYI Movie sets are highly regulated and scrutinized and everything has someone paying close attention to it, including the union prop guy who has keeps all the fake coke in check.




"The pseudo-coke powder was composed entirely of organic substances that could safely be snorted through the nose into the lungs where it would melt and be safely absorbed into the bloodstream"

um, thats not the way coke works. if you got baby laxative/coke into your lungs you would be hating life. solids taken through your nose pass through your sinus cavity, into your throat and down into your stomach.

also, i always hear actors talk about the fake drugs that are on set. i always take it with a grain of salt. you have to remember these people are working and they will be hesitant to admit on the record that they were doing drugs or drinking while on the clock. i'm not saying they were smoking real crack in this movie, but i'm guessing some of the pot smoked in movies is real.



If they were smoking real crack in this movie that might go a long ways towards explaining why it was so bad!

There are no problems that cannot be solved with a can of brake clean and a lighter


I disagree. I thing the movie was bad BECAUSE they didn't do real drugs. this movie could have been better if everyone was on drugs while making it. Hmm, maybe it would be better if you were on drugs while watching it also...

"everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"


um, thats not the way coke works. if you got baby laxative/coke into your lungs you would be hating life. solids taken through your nose pass through your sinus cavity, into your throat and down into your stomach.

Uh, what?
I'm no expert, but if i remember my pharmacology class right, aspired drugs are absorbed by mucous membrane of the nose, sinus, throat and lungs.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I don't think the stomach plays any part in the "aspiration" of the drug, or any solid particle for that matter.


yup, the stomach plays no part in the absorption but thats where it ends up. absorption happens in sinuses.

imagine what happens when a bit of water accidentally goes down your wind pipe if swallowed wrong. now imagine coke going sliding down your windpipe and into your lungs. you'd die from coughing.


The lungs play ZERO part in absorption when insufflating a drug. When you sniff, the powder is absorbed into the lining of the nose; any powder that passes by will then drip (Nasal Drip) into your throat and into your stomach.


they put all sorts of sh!t in coke, creatine, benzocaine, all sorts..


im not sniffing nothing. ive never really seen coke in real life. but if i had to sniff something for a movie, it better be real cocaine. im not sniffing no sugar. fack that. why fake it?


What's the street value of fake movie stuff? 50 cents a kilo? Better cut it down or some actor might get killed in the reviews....
