It was so bad , it was extremely entertaining.

I kept putting off seeing this movie , because 1) I'm a huge fan of the original with Harvey Keitel , and 2) I'm not much of a Nicolsa Cage fan.
This was Nic's hammiest , way-over-the-top acting job since Wild at Heart , in which his entire performance was a bad Elvis impersonation.
Unlike his portrayal of the out-of-control alcoholic in Leaving Las Vegas , this performance was far more over-exaggerated. At times it was a caricature rather than a character he was playing.
And what was up with the hallucination scene with the iguanas ? Was one of them supposed to be singing that song ? I love Johnny Adams' version of "Release Me",but what the hell was it doing in that scene ?
And that ending. Everything falls neatly into place for him to live happily ever after , unlike Harvey Keitel's corrupt cop , who got what was coming to him. Or , did he die on the couch as some suggest , and that fairy-tale ending was just a dream ?
But , as I said in the heading. It was so bad , I was thoroughly entertained. I plan to watch it again.


I didn't even think it was Bad, I loved it, I like Cage when he's manic.
(I like the Ferrara one too).
My personal theory (without any facts to back me up) is that the lizards
were voodoo spirits there to protect Cage, and no-one else could see them.

"and I ain't never seen no Queen in her damned Undies, as the feller says..."


No one could see them because they were drug-induced hallucinations....

-but I like to think of them as really being there, but the boys were just having a laugh, a private joke at the Lieutenant's expense.

