The point being....

Y'know... initially I questioned... really questioned... I mean, really REALLY questioned, the need for a remake of "Bad Lieutenant". But now I see what it was all about. Because without a remake (reWRITE) of "Bad Lieutenant", Nicholas Cage wouldn't have been presented with such a suitable vehicle for his ED SULLIVAN IMPERSONATION! FAAAAAARRRRRKKKKKK!

A rewrite of "Bad Lieutenant" with a happy ending! That's... just... GREAT! What's next? A rewrite of "King Lear" with a happy ending? Titanic, maybe? Or maybe someone'll give Custers' eighth cavalry AK47s.



It wasn't a remake. Producers tacked on the title. Think of it as its own entity. And was it a happy ending? Not so sure over here.


Have you seen "Bad Lieutenant"?


Er...that's a yes.
