A steaming pile of absolute crap!

A lot of people seem to think they are soooooo hip because they "got it" and that Herzog is such a genius. Sorry, this movie is just a pile of crap. There is a reason that Nicholas Cage is a laughing stock of Hollywood and he has ruined his career. It's because of the terrible performances he's done lately. You'd be hard pressed to find a worse performance than the one in this movie.

You're not hip or smart if you like this movie. You aren't "in on the joke." You aren't appreciating a genius at work. You are watching a terrible movie, with a terrible script and with terrible performances.

In another thread some hipster douche was saying this was funnier than The Hangover. Yeah, if you're an idiot, then maybe.

I like campy over the top movies too. I laughed my ass off at Troll 2. I can laugh watching Showgirls. But that's because I'm laughing AT the movie. People seem to think that Herzog and Cage had a master plan to make this dark comedy wrapped up in a crime noir. Keep telling yourself that hipsters. In reality, it's a bad filmmaker and a bad actor making a bad film.

Disagree with me if you like. But I'm right and you're wrong.


You're just trolling.



You may think that Herzog and Cage did bad jobs in this film but you can't seriously call Herzog a bad filmmaker and Cage a bad actor.

It's pretty obvious that it's a comedy. Everyone involved knew it was a comedy and I found it hilarious. Just because it's not an American Pie or The Hangover type comedy doesn't mean that people can't find it funnier than those films. Some of the lines were hilarious and I thought it was Cage's best comedic performance since Adaptation. Maybe even his best since Raising Arizona.

It's fine if you don't like it but to dismiss everyone that does and say that "You are watching a terrible movie, with a terrible script and with terrible performances." as if it's a fact is pretty obnoxious.



All film is comedy; all entertainment is comedy...some just happen to be funnier than others.



Fair acting in a poorly directed film. This has got to be one of the worst N.Cage films since they let him have speaking parts...e.g. post Fast Times @ RH.

Change is Inevitable
Growth is Optional


SORRY I thought we where talking about "No country for old men" or a speilburg film
