A steaming pile of absolute crap!
A lot of people seem to think they are soooooo hip because they "got it" and that Herzog is such a genius. Sorry, this movie is just a pile of crap. There is a reason that Nicholas Cage is a laughing stock of Hollywood and he has ruined his career. It's because of the terrible performances he's done lately. You'd be hard pressed to find a worse performance than the one in this movie.
You're not hip or smart if you like this movie. You aren't "in on the joke." You aren't appreciating a genius at work. You are watching a terrible movie, with a terrible script and with terrible performances.
In another thread some hipster douche was saying this was funnier than The Hangover. Yeah, if you're an idiot, then maybe.
I like campy over the top movies too. I laughed my ass off at Troll 2. I can laugh watching Showgirls. But that's because I'm laughing AT the movie. People seem to think that Herzog and Cage had a master plan to make this dark comedy wrapped up in a crime noir. Keep telling yourself that hipsters. In reality, it's a bad filmmaker and a bad actor making a bad film.
Disagree with me if you like. But I'm right and you're wrong.