I've got to bitch about my speeding ticket now.
I've received 1 speeding ticket in my life. I've been driving on streets for 15 years.
This ticket I received, I was definitely speeding. I was going 90mph (set on cruise control) in a 70 in the middle of nowhere down I-5 heading to San Diego. I don't mean nowhere as in simply no cities for miles around, but no people either. So it sucked getting pulled over out there, but when you're alone, you're most obvious I suppose. Anyway I was so surprised and nonchalant about getting the ticket (first one after driving a decade) I think the cop was shocked at my behavior, so he told me he wrote 80 instead of 90 so it wasn't a more serious offense (I'm pretty sure if I had been going 80 I wouldn't have been pulled over because everyone does 80, including me, all over the place).
Anyway I was in the Navy at the time and I was only in California for my mother's funeral. I was stationed in Japan at the time. So I found out I couldn't pay the ticket until the county I'd never heard of had processed the ticket. I went back to Japan. Eventually I transferred to a ship in San Diego and as of 7 months after receiving the ticket, the county STILL had not processed it, so I couldn't pay it. Then Bush ordered the "Surge" and off I went overseas again. When I got back I got the ticket with my mail, somehow they had managed to process the ticket immediately after I was deployed (8 months after receiving the ticket, and after trying to pay it several times) however because I'd been gone 4 months and I hadn't paid, I was now forbidden from paying the ticket as it was because of some bureaucratic bullsh!t and the fine had jumped hundreds of dollars. I tried contacting them but their automated systems wouldn't recognize my ticket number and I couldn't get any real people on the phone. I lived in San Diego on a ship and the county courthouse was in Middle-of-Nowhere valley California.
Eventually they sent the information to the DMV, suspended my license, and I had to pay almost $500 for the only ticket I had received in my life (first time pulled over too) just to get my license un-suspended thanks to the lazy jerks in Coalinga because they decided to process my ticket 8 months late while the Federal government had me doing war business.
You know what, I applaud any cop who'll make a ticket disappear. That wasn't punitive, that was a miscarriage. F%ck the courts, and f$ck speeding tickets. Driving 90 in the middle of nowhere wasn't threatening anyone, it's not dangerous. I don't drive dangerously, that's why I never got any other ticket. But technically I did break the law and I was perfectly willing to pay it. Totally f-ed up. Oh and the point or points drove up insurance costs. Just keep taking my money douchebags.