wtf? animal cruelty

What was up with essentialy torturing the alligator--as seen in the special features--with all the current technology available to not have to do this? What was up with the apparent glee that the "animal control" person took in the process? Kind of ruined the whole movie for me


Humane Associations monitors all animal use in movies. Rarely does something like that happen in reality. Cruelty is one thing, training is something very different, and the levels of force needed to train various animals all depends on their type. Dogs and Cats need only light punishment to correct negative actions. Bears, Lions, ect, need firmer/harder punishments.


I believe it was gutted not trained



God, it's not like they crucified a monkey or threw a cat out of window.

Some people are so touchy.




I love to be the one to point this out, there were no cattle prods involved. What you see on the making of is a camera on a long stick, used to get thhe close ups.

Herzog just attracts these kind of rumours.


@ the crash scene, they had to make it seem that the car had hit the aligator, so animal control/aligator handlers brought a dead one, and you see the cut into it, and pull out some intestine.

-Crowded elevators smell different to midgets-


How can you torture a dead animal?



Actually, I think it was put together to give the wrong impression, it was brought in in a box - which was later clearly a freezer - and there was a voice over that made it sound as though it was in some sort of deep sleep and wouldn't come up out of it for an hour. Still, it didn't make any sense that they were handling it without even gloves - maybe the confusion came from someone asking if it was fake with a response that it was real, honestly, I didn't see how they could have gotten away with what they seemed to be getting away with but I did wonder.


It's was an alligator, not a dog or cat
