MovieChat Forums > TMZ on TV (2007) Discussion > Is it actually possible Shevonne doesn't...

Is it actually possible Shevonne doesn't realize how hot she is?!

...On today's show, she said something about the importance of having a good personality (which drew the inevitable derisive snickers from male staffers, such as the two lawyers)! Shevonne is quite frequently known as TMZ's no-filter mean girl---but, just as often, she can come across as kind, gentle, and supportive (to people such as her fellow staffer "Gary", or "Kelly")! I don't know if she was pulling some kind of fake humility, or what, but when the one lawyer pointed out that Shevonne gets more positive physical feedback from males on their website, she actually seemed surprised, as if she tries to have a good personality because she doesn't have faith in the strength of what is obvious to everyone else, her considerable beauty! So, from this exchange, I gather that Shevonne views herself as a good person with only average looks! Talk about someone who really doesn't know themselves!


Guess Shevonne doesn't see consider herself to be a "hot" female TMZ staffer.

Her appeal is that she's got a low-key & youthful look (despite being in her early thirties) but w/ a snarky personality.

Contrast & compare her w/ "Valley Girl" Charlie Neff who's more active on her various social media accounts.

Particularly on Instagram, where she often posts pictures wearing short shorts, bikinis and sexy Halloween costumes.


I'm incarcerated here in Ohio and let me tell you - we all love looking at Shevonne's thick little legs 5 nights a week. Now that Kelly looks like a chubby Soccer Mom, Shevonne is our only hope.


Glad that you appear to love the insanely, beyond belief, ridiculously hot Shevonne Sullivan as much as I do, but come on now, don't hate on Kelly---she's put on some weight since the beginning of the show, but she is still quite beautiful (and has always been one of the most consistently intelligent and charismatic of the 'TMZ' "reporters"!) BTW, you mentioned incarceration----do you recall the gorgeous blonde lawyer, Elisabeth Neubauer, who worked for "TMZ", and was a welcome on-camera presence who was supposedly quite popular with the inmate crowd until she left the show a few years back?


Shevonne is in love with her boyfriend who she always posts on her instagram. She likes Dark chocolate men.


I know about Shevonne's affinity for "the dark side" (seriously, I am not hating on whichever African-American male is fortunate enough to have her in his life!) In fact, as a hopelessly White male, completely off the radar of SHEVONNE SULLIVAN, I joke that it might be worth having a few cabs pass you by if it allows you potential membership into "club Shevonne"! The young lady is routinely beyond breathtaking! She should come equipped with her own inhaler, to be used exclusively by unsuspecting admirers!


I find hers and Kelly's cherry-picking feminism to be quite contemptibly funny -- often demanding all the guys compliment and not criticize any of the female celebrities .... until a female celebrity comes up Shevonne and Kelly can't stand.

LBJ's mistress on JFK:


Lmao what? Shevonne looks like she's 12 years old. There is nothing remotely hot about her. She's not even that cute. The only female TMZ staffer that's hot would be Anna with the black hair and glasses. I'm surprised to see so many people acting basic, plain jane looking Shevonne is some sort of goddess. She's average at best.


I liked Anna, too---I thought she was very beautiful, but when she left, I kind of moved on! Also, you're not entirely wrong about Charlie Neff (although admittedly a little bluntly rude!) Since I'd originally made that post, Charlie Neff has looked nowhere near as hot as she did at that time! Still, though, I'll never apologize for, nor change my mind over, Shevonne Sullivan (a.k.a. "She Who Makes The Goddesses Jealous")! Sure, she's unpalatably rude about half the time (a "tell-it-like-it-is" quality that far too many people in life mistakenly find endearing---I'm looking at YOU, Donald Trump), yet she's been---over time---easily the most consistently beautiful of the "TMZ" staffers---even more so than "Anna", who, as I've already stated, was extraordinarily bewitching on a consistent basis herself!


We can agree to disagree. Anna was always the most consistently beautiful. I will always find Shevonne to look like a 12 year old girl with a very plain face. I find exotic looking women like Anna to be most attractive. Really not into plain janes like Shevonne and Charlie.


Some guys have a self-destructive attraction to bad girls, just as some girls have a self-destructive attraction to bad boys.

Shevonne gets more hate mail on the show for the right reasons: she's an awful person.

But that appeals to some people who don't understand their own self-esteem issues.



Lmao what? Shevonne looks like she's 12 years old. There is nothing remotely hot about her. She's not even that cute. The only female TMZ staffer that's hot would be Anna with the black hair and glasses. I'm surprised to see so many people acting basic, plain jane looking Shevonne is some sort of goddess. She's average at best.

I don't find her attractive either. I don't think any of the TMZ staff are attractive .
