Caleb wants a commitment from his new girlfriend Cassandra.
Ashley needs to come back soon
Caleb wants a commitment from his new girlfriend Cassandra.
Ashley needs to come back soon
nah I never liked Ashley and was never a fan of her relationship with Caleb, so I hope she never comes back...I don't like Cassandra either, and I'm not sure if she would be an ideal match for Caleb. Caleb wants a commitment, he's the type of guy who is serious about a relationship, while Cassandra is the "casual" type who clearly was more into having open relationships...but in season 9 it seemed like she was willing to give a serious relationship a try, so at least that's a step forward in the right direction...I just don't know if she would be able to follow through with a serious commitment, or would she fall back into her old habits...only time will tell.