Run, Peter, Run!!

You need to get as far away from high-maintenance shrew Lou as you can. She's a back breaker.

Yes, I know it won't happen. Everyone will live happily ever after. But Lou is just exhausting with her constant carping about EVERYTHING! !


I agreed fully when I saw her in full swing about Crystal coming, bossing everyone around at the ranch in the beginning, and in general looking wan now because of her own nagging. But in this case, he's in the wrong; running off from his own two daughters when Lou's crying with the effort to keep their marriage together is just cowardly and bitchy. Boy, are they concerned about raising their daughters right.


I thought that when they first met. Lou can suck the life and fun out of anything.


Agree with Peter, Lou is the worst. She is soooo selfish.


Lou is NOT high-maintenance! It's The Invisible Peter who constantly needs his ego stroked! A woman with two children needs family! The extended family has been the mainstay of human society for generations on end! It's Peter, and his constant necessity to isolate Lou all unto himself that's the problem!! Peter has been nothing but a negative element from the very beginning!!

Lou should have stuck with Scott, -at least he'd be home each night!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!



Vancouver IS NOT her home! Heartland is! -especially with young children, mothers want to be close to their Kith & Kin. Maybe because I'm both Jewish & an Israeli, Plus both a father of 5, and a Grandfather of 9 (at present), I REALLY DO understand where Lou is coming from!

Peter is wrong! -DEAD WRONG!!! His place it to provide a home for his wife & children, but it's ALWAYS the wife who decides just WHERE that home is going to be! And just WHY couldn't Peter take that job offer in Calgary, so as to be close to his wife and children every night!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!



In Vancouver, she has NOBODY! Nobody to support her, or look after the children when she's sick, or otherwise occupied with important issues. Traditionally, young mothers have had the support of their own immediate family: mothers, father, sisters, aunts, uncles, etc. At Heartland, she has this immediate family in vocal distance! -not far away, as it would be in Vancouver!

Again, as an Israeli Jew, who lived for a time on a Kibbutz, and later on a Moshav, where in both places, sons & daughters marry, and then move in next door to their parents, I have great sympathy for Lou, and NONE whatsoever for Peter. He should be working to support his family, not expecting his family to exist to support his work!

My philosophy has always been, that one should work only as much as necessary to provide for one's family, and no more! The rest of the time should be spent at home, being with that family!! Work should NEVER become an end in itself!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


DP, you're like a bad check, you don't go away. When did you discover Heartland?

I have been watching for years and it is an excellent show. In regards to Lou and Peter; they both need to have a reality check.

With that said I doubt very much they are going to have a divorce.


I'm just saying that as a young mother, it is perfectly understandable that Lou wants to be around kith & kin, to help her with her daughters! As for following Peter to Vancouver, she ALREADY did that, when she followed him to Dubai!! There she led the useless life of being naught but a pretty ornamental bird in a VERY gilded cage!!

So why should she repeat said performance now, when she has so much going for her at home in Heartland. She's got two different businesses to look after, built in babysitters, and close family to give her emotional support when she needs it! -none of which she had, when she previously followed Peter to Dubai! Plus, then she didn't have to look after small children too, while living her life in the oil-rich gilded cage!! And Peter, even though she had followed him to the ends of the earth, still proved to be an absentee husband! Who's to say that he wouldn't be just as absentee in Vancouver! Really, Peter owes it now to her, to find a job closer to home; -if nothing else, let him mop floors like Ty's step-dad!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!



Or maybe put an apron on him and he can wait tables at Maggies.

Have him do it in a tank top and speedos, and he could be a male Hooters!!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


The point is, Peter's running away and Lou's struggling to hold things together and is willing to try, whatever else you might say about her.


I blame Lou for the lion's share of their troubles. She puts herself first...

REALLY!? Lou puts herself first?! I'd say that that description matches PETER way more than Lou!!! Who insisted on getting married in the dead of winter, instead of the June wedding as originally planned?! PETER DID!!!
Who insisted on moving immediately to Dubai, instead of buying a house in Hudson, as originally planned?! PETER DID!!!
Who refused to take the job in Calgary, after it had already been set up, so as to FINALLY provide Lou & the children with a proper home life?! PETER DID!!!

So much for the Lion's Share of the troubles!!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


You summed it up nicely in a nutshell....well done!



Lou is a whining drama queen who knew what she was getting into when she married Peter. The clues were there so she got exactly what she deserved. She ended up marrying a guy who puts his work before her and family.

When he's there, Peter is a pretty good husband and father. He puts up with her crap like no one else probably would. The two of them however should never have gotten married since from the very beginning it was obvious that wanted different things in life. Neither one was honest with the other.


Lou is a whining drama queen who knew what she was getting into when she married Peter. The clues were there so she got exactly what she deserved. She ended up marrying a guy who puts his work before her and family.

No she isn't, and NO SHE DIDN'T!! Peter false-flagged her before their marriage, and then presented her with a fait accompli at the VERY LAST MINUTE!!! Like a Rape Victim, she had to either comply or die!!

And NO, the clues were NOT there, when she agreed to marry him! They only SLOWLY were revealed later over time!!!

And she CERTAINLY didn't get what she deserved!! They were looking at houses in Hudson, when suddenly he sprung Dubai upon her! They were planning a June Wedding, when suddenly he insists that she marry him immediately! -maybe not exactly with those words, but certainly with those effect!! He purposely rushed her into a situation where she had little or no time to think! If anything, Lou was suffering from a form of PTSD by the time of her wedding day.

When he's there, Peter is a pretty good husband and father. He puts up with her crap like no one else probably would. The two of them however should never have gotten married since from the very beginning it was obvious that wanted different things in life. Neither one was honest with the other.
More correctly, when he's there, he's a superficial facsimile of a reasonable husband. -WHEN HE'S THERE!!! The problem is, HE NEVER IS!!!

We really shouldn't be surprised by Peter, he's already shown us that he's a failure as a husband, by the fiasco of his first marriage!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


You desperately need to go back and rewatch this season. You couldn't be further off if you tried.


It's you, yourself who needs to go back and rewatch it! I just did, this last week! I saw what went down!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


1. The wedding was moved up so they could be married before they went to Dubai. It was a joint decision.

IT WAS NOT A JOINT DECISION! It was something that Peter pressured her into, by making it an either/or situation. Either she marry him then & there, or they'd practically be through, since she wouldn't see him again for months.
2. They went to Dubai so Peter could pursue a business venture. His oil company was going to be working with a firm from Dubai on a new project Peter was working on. Lou knew he was going to Dubai when she married him and went to support him, as she should.

They went to Dubai because again, Peter presented her with a fait accompli, where she had absolutely NO choice but to acquiesce, if she wanted to preserve her marriage!! Basically the same choice that a rape victim has: Either comply or die!!
3. He didn't take the job in Calgary because he couldn't stand the guy he would be working for (Who can blame him, the guy was a moron). And Lou (and Amy?) set it all up without Peter's knowledge (ie. behind his back, her specialty). No wonder he was ticked off, who wouldn't be.

Peter didn't accept the job in Calgary, because he's a Walking Rectum! Period!! As for the guy being a Moron, he showed a willingness enough to listen to Amy, when she addressed with authority. As for the rest, show me even ONE boss who isn't at times a moron! -it goes with the territory! As for Lou setting it up behind his back, that's what any decent wife would do, to help her husband's career! -But Peter takes offense because again, he's a walking rectum & a WUSS!!!

Rather than not work for the man in Calgary because he didn't like him, I think that Peter simply doesn't want to leave Vancouver, because then he'd have to become a full-time husband & father, and that scares him! WUSS!!
-He'd rather hide out in Vancouver than face his responsibilities at home. Yes he comes home occasionally, and goes through the motions, (not to mention that he gets to make a booty call on Lou at the same time), but then he finds a convenient reason to crab-like scuttle back to Vancouver and hide!!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


IT WAS NOT A JOINT DECISION! It was something that Peter pressured her into, by making it an either/or situation. Either she marry him then & there, or they'd practically be through, since she wouldn't see him again for months.

You should go back and refresh your memory. It was actually Lou that wanted to bump up the wedding date. She was the one who pushed for it, only later to hypocritically say that she didn't sign up for this life when that was exactly what she signed up for.


I have seen that episode twice already!! Peter pressured her into it, by presenting her with a fait accompli. She had about as much choice as a rape victim has: either comply or die!

Hypocritically? Really?! Because she had expectations from her husband, reasonable expectations at that, that he has since FAILED to live up to?! For Shame!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


I have seen that episode twice already!!

If that's true, then I don't think it matters how many times you go back and re-watch all of the episodes, you're never going to get it.

Guys, stop trying to convince him. This has become a troll thread and he has no interest in seeing things from any other point of view. Don't respond to this thread and it'll drop to the bottom.


Guys, stop trying to convince him. This has become a troll thread and he has no interest in seeing things from any other point of view. Don't respond to this thread and it'll drop to the bottom.

Troll?! Really?! Because I don't agree with the rest of you herd animals, that makes me a Troll?!

So, it's OK to badmouth Lou, but Peter must remain pristine in his virtue?! You all remind me of naught but a pack of Lemmings!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


Yup. Ignored since yesterday. There's only so much harping on a single issue that I can tolerate. And that's the last I'll say about it so this thread can indeed sink to the bottom of the pile.

Certa Bonum Certamen


Whatever floats your boat. When all and sundry were saying that Lou was a self-centered whiner, that was fine with everybody! But should one dissenting voice dare to raise its head, everybody starts screaming Troll!!! Just like the lemming playing follow the leader over that cliff!!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


You are correct. I'm usually better at spotting a troll. Especially a troll that thinks writing in caps makes her point.

Ignored as well.


What amuses me is that even after I explicitly stated I'd given him the "ignore" treatment, he still went ahead and replied to me.

I can see the reply box, but I obviously can't see the content.

Don't even know why he bothered wasting his time typing it when he knew I wasn't going to read it.

Certa Bonum Certamen


That was for the benefit of the others, if not yourself.

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


So glad I read this before I posted another message - in episode 14 I guessed that the cowboy might be good for Lou (because I truly despise Peter - I think he helped make her the shrew she is) Then the next 2 episodes we see a softer Lou develop then in the 17th episode here comes the devil. If the writers put that strong sure woman who is FINALLY letting go and becoming softer BACK with that pussy Peter and ESPECIALLY using the age old excuse "let's get back together for the kids" I PROMISE it will be the last episode of Heartland that I watch UNTIL I read in some TV rag that he died in a helicopter crash -- THEN I'll come back. That man (Peter) makes me want to vomit every time I see him and I sincerely hope that the writers make Lou see through that kind of lying cheating scum.


Who insisted on getting married in the dead of winter, instead of the June wedding as originally planned?!

Uh, it was Lou who insisted on getting married in the dead of winter.


It was Peter who said that he wanted Lou to come to Dubai with him as his wife, and then told her only later that he had to leave immediately, and wouldn't be back for months, if ever!! So yeah, she manipulated by Peter to push the date up.

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!



Just admit it, they are both squirrely in a way, same as just about everyone on that show.

You say that Lou is indecisive! You say that she's squirrely! Go back to episode 515: Breaking Down & Building Up. It's the one where they decide to buy a house instead of build one. Notice the argument in the bedroom after supper, about whether they should up their bid or not. Notice how, the moment that Lou agrees with him, that they should up their offer, Peter suddenly changes tactics, and starts to argue with her as to whether she even likes the house. She's already agreed with him, she's decided that she wants the house, but Peter just can't settle that he's won! -he needs to push it even further! -what a miserable worm!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!



She got him so messed up he lost his company, and now she doesn't even want him to have a job at all unless it is right at Heartland. No wonder their marriage is in shambles.

Your 1st two paragraphs have some merit! I don't agree with them wholly, but I can see your point of view. However, I think that Lou's wishy-washyness is a byproduct of being married to nincompoop Peter, rather than any innate characteristic of her own!

However, the last one I totally disagree with you on! Lou did NOT force Peter to invest in Dubai! That particular fiasco was ALL of his own making!!

As for their marriage being a shambles, I would remind you of the Mindset, whereas Peter not ONLY accepts a full time job offer in Vancouver, but suddenly expects Lou to quite her own, and both with NO prior consultation with her.

I could say a LOT more on this, especially concerning Lou's wanting to buy the Hanly Ranch, (which consisted not only a house, but a considerable piece of LAND around it), but I'll leave it for now!!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


I have to reply to this because Lou sucks. Her biggest problem is she got married and doesn't see her new family as her main family. When you get married, your husband and your children are your top priority and they are your new primary family. This is a hard adjustment for most people but they still manage to do it. Lou married Peter but stills view everyone back at the ranch as her primary family. First she ditched him in a foreign country that she knew she agreed to move to when they got, she returns home to a four room dude ranch. Then she knows that Peter will not be able to have a career there but she buys a house there any way. Peter loses his business, agrees to move back there but basically the only way he can do find a job in a big city and commute back there.

Lou is a selfish. She wants everything her way and can't commit to anything. Yes she runs a ranch and is raising two children. A lot of women are the same boat and none complain as much as she does about it. Plus, she is surrounded by extended family helping her out. Sorry I don't feel that bad for her. Peter has his issues but he is always willing to compromise with her. The real deal is he knows he is not first with her.


Agree, cornelius.

I wonder if they moved to Peter's hometown and lived in the same house as his parents and had his extended family around constantly if Lou would be as cool about it as Peter has been all this time.


They did do that, lived with Peter's parents for a time!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


No way she would have put up with his extended family like that. I give Peter a lot of credit, he is really trying to accommodate her.



I guess we have to agree to disagree. Also don't get so worked up its a television show:)



Honestly I think the writers wanted to keep Lou on the show and they didn't know how else to do it. Unfortunately the way they chose to do it makes her look bad or Peter look bad depending on how you choose to look at it. The good part is we clearly all like the show enough to be invested in the characters.



Amber is the show. Still I hope Lou and Peter work it out.


I'm kind of hoping that Peter will get lost, and Lou will hook up with Caleb, or Scott, or even the Polo-Jumping Professional.

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


I like polo guy not Scott's biggest fan



My biggest problem with Peter, is that he promises all these things, and then has no follow through, and then back-stabs Lou when she actually succeeds in doing something. Also, he makes Lou the guilty party for all their problems.

Yes, she came back from Dubai without him, but he should have been grateful that she even went there in the 1st place!! I live in Israel, but in the past, I wanted at one time to return to America. My wife refused. Why, because all of her family (brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc) is here, whereas all of mine is there. But, when it comes to choosing a home, the wife is the boss, and that's the end of it! The wife's choice of home takes precedence over everything else, husband's job, family, what-have-you!!

As for Caleb, you're probably correct, except, you seem to forget the movie Hobson's Choice. A good wife can transform even a simpleton husband into a genius!! With Lou pushing him to greatness, Caleb could achieve much! And frankly, he's certainly a lot more amicable than Peter ever was!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


DP, you are sooooo far off on 99% of everything you say that I wonder if you even get the simplest concepts from the show. It really is like talking to a brick wall. You can't truly be this obtuse.

he should have been grateful that she even went there in the 1st place!! I live in Israel

Why? She knew what she was signing up for. It was no surprise to her. If she didn't want to go, then she shouldn't have married him. He would've gone by himself.

I wanted at one time to return to America. My wife refused. Why, because all of her family (brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc) is here, whereas all of mine is there.

Your own anecdotal story doesn't mean it's correct. If your own personal experience was that you'd married a serial killer, does that make it correct?

But, when it comes to choosing a home, the wife is the boss, and that's the end of it! The wife's choice of home takes precedence over everything else, husband's job, family, what-have-you!!

We can't help that you're whipped. If you are holding some sort of animosity in because of that and you only feel that you can release here on a message board because you're afraid of your wife, then that's your problem. Not ours. Tons of people run their marriage as a partnership, not a dictatorship and do quite well at it.

Just because for the last couple of decades TV shows have gone to the old standby of making husbands out to be idiots who can't function without their wives doesn't mean that's how it is in real life. Superhero movies have become incredibly popular in the last couple of decades but there are still no humans with super powers in real life.

A good wife can transform even a simpleton husband into a genius!! With Lou pushing him to greatness, Caleb could achieve much!

Many marriages have failed because a woman has bought into this. Some women think they're marrying a fixer upper that they can mold into their own idea of the perfect man. Most have failed miserably.

On the other side of that argument, do you also feel that a good man can transform a simpleton woman into a genius? If a man pushes his wife to greatness, can she achieve much? Should men look at their prospective wives as fixer uppers that they, through their wisdom, can show the wife the error of their ways and make them into what the husband wishes them to be?


Why? She knew what she was signing up for. It was no surprise to her. If she didn't want to go, then she shouldn't have married him. He would've gone by himself.
No, she wasn't fully aware of what she was signing up for! She thought that she was getting a husband. What she got in Dubai was an absentee landlord instead!

Also, living in a country stricken with terror, I've seen more than a few victims of PTSD. By the time Lou stood beside her bridegroom, she too was suffering from a form of PTSD, as Peter had done naught but deliver one bombshell after another in the days prior!
Many marriages have failed because a woman has bought into this. Some women think they're marrying a fixer upper that they can mold into their own idea of the perfect man. Most have failed miserably.
Our Rabbincal sages have said that a Good Wife can make a Sinner into a Righteous man, and a Bad Wife can make a Righteous Man into a Sinner!
On the other side of that argument, do you also feel that a good man can transform a simpleton woman into a genius?
That basically is the premise in the Poldark series, where Ross encourages Damelza to learn to read & write! Damelza becomes even more of a lady than those born to it!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


By the time Lou stood beside her bridegroom, she too was suffering from a form of PTSD

PTSD? From dating Peter? Please. If that were true, then she shouldn't have married him.

You really don't care if you're right or wrong, do you? To you, it's all about the argument. You don't care how much stuff you have to make up to try to justify your point. You want to argue just for the sake of arguing.


PTSD? From dating Peter? Please.

NOT from DATING Peter, but from learning that she'd either have to move to Dubai, or never see him again! Right before this particular bombshell, she'd been house-hunting in Hudson. Remember that scene? She'd ALSO been planning a JUNE wedding! Remember THAT scene? So many of her dreams that she'd had to throw away, that she was emotionally bereft by the time she stood beside him!
If that were true, then she shouldn't have married him.

It's called Cognitive Dissonance! By the time she stood beside him, she didn't feel like she had any other choice!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


learning that she'd either have to move to Dubai, or never see him again! Right before this particular bombshell, she'd been house-hunting in Hudson. Remember that scene? She'd ALSO been planning a JUNE wedding! Remember THAT scene? So many of her dreams that she'd had to throw away, that she was emotionally bereft by the time she stood beside him!

That's called life, dude. We all have to deal with things not turning out like we thought they would or dreamed they would.

PTSD is something soldiers who've been in combat have, or people who've survived something like 9/11 have. Not someone who doesn't get their June wedding or their dream house.

she didn't feel like she had any other choice

That's her problem. She can't lay that on Peter. He didn't tell her to feel that way.


That's called life, dude. We all have to deal with things not turning out like we thought they would or dreamed they would.
Aye, you're right; except that in this instance, it seems to me at least that Peter was purposefully deceitful, disguising his true intent until the very last minute.
PTSD is something soldiers who've been in combat have, or people who've survived something like 9/11 have. Not someone who doesn't get their June wedding or their dream house.
As one who's both witnessed & survived PLO Terrorist bombings, Iraqi Scuds, & Hamas Kessams, I say that having to endure Peter's deceitfulness also qualifies!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


1. Peter wasn't deceitful. Makes me wonder if this entire series has gone completely over your head.

2. You're equating marriage troubles with terrorist bombings et Al. While we're at it, let's equate somebody being served an overcooked steak with Nazi concentration camps.


Makes me wonder if this entire series has gone completely over your head.

Rather than the series going over my head, but rather I now see that you've led such a sheltered life, that you have absolutely NO real understanding of the ways of the world!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!



Fact. Peter was not deceitful, if anyone is deceitful it's Lou (the evidence is plentiful).

Fact. The writers of Heartland make Lou look like a handful for any man, and Peter is handling her like a champ.

Fact. The 'real world' and Heartland are mutually exclusive.

Fact. You 2 are entertaining, to say the least, although I gotta give a slight edge to DP.

Thank you for saying that I'm entertaining! At least I serve some function.

...and then back-stabs Lou when she actually succeeds in doing something. Also, he makes Lou the guilty party for all their problems.

Whoa, slow down there, I must have missed this one.

Name for me even ONE endeavor that Peter succeeds at!
1. He squandered away his company on bad investments!
2. He fails to build the house that he promised!
3. He fails to fix up the ranch that was GIVEN to him & Lou by Mrs. Bell!!
4. He criticizes Lou on not liking ANY of the houses that they look at, accusing her of vacillations, but when she DOES find the house she wants, he does EVERYTHING to destroy the prospect!!!

So based on all this earlier experience with her feckless husband, going behind his back to find him a job, to me is perfectly reasonable!!

Peter was deceitful! He deceived Lou into believing that they'd live in Hudson, have a June Wedding, and that he'd be a proper husband! Then in the wake of one week, he broke ALL of these promises. In Dubai, she ended up living the life of a widow, or worse, a kept woman!!

I might add that while Peter was looking for a HOUSE for them to live in, Lou found a RANCH with LAND!!! -and for much the same price!!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!



Really, you DON'T remember that phone conversation when she wanted to bid on the Hanly Place? I sure do! And before all that?

1. They find a house, but because she isn't overly enthusiastic about it, he's irritated at her, and spares no pains to say so!

2. When he finally browbeats her into agreeing to buy the house that she doesn't really like, he suddenly backtracks on her, and accuses her of wanting to buy a house that she doesn't really like!

3. When she finally DOES find the house that she likes, he has a conniption fit on the phone, because he says that he's already bid on the house that she doesn't like!

5. In Israel, we call this behavior two-faced!

6. 99% of all gentiles believe that we Jews are guilty of deicide! -that doesn't make it so!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


Rather than the series going over my head, but rather I now see that you've led such a sheltered life, that you have absolutely NO real understanding of the ways of the world!

So I'm sheltered and have no understanding of the real world just because I (and most everyone else on this board) comprehend what is happening on this show and you can't seem to grasp even the simplest concepts from the show?

It's like how Barney Stinson thought that Billy Zabka was the good guy in Karate Kid and he thought Ralph Macchio was the bad guy. It's like you see everything through some Bizzaro World window.



Calm down with the freaking exclamation points.



Barney was the best character on that show.

In fact he seems like a nice, albeit strongly opinionated, guy who really loves Lou Flemming.

I hadn't considered this. Perhaps he's like John Hinckley Jr. and gets the actress confused with the character. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if Michelle Morgan has a restraining order against him. He probably spams her with tons of love letters and strange "gifts."


ROFL, good post

Maybe we ought to rename this thread to Run, Lou, Run.




Dear Lamahamster;
It's interesting how two discrete individuals can see the same thing, and yet see them totally different. For me, it wasn't Lou who didn't have time for Scott, but Scott who couldn't accept that a businesswoman, like a businessman, has demands on her time that must be answered to. Scott couldn't adjust to the fact that Lou would NOT be a stay at home wife, waiting on his every beck & call; and for that he eventually paid a VERY heavy price, in watching her end up in the arms of a complete stranger!!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!



The difference between Lou & Peter, is that Lou was REALLY trying to make her relationship with Scott work, but was unfortunate that weird & quirky things kept popping up to put a spanner in her plans. Peter however, is obstinately trying to insist that everything go his way! -and even when he does get his way, and Lou concedes to him, he isn't happy about it!! i.e. she agreed to buy the house, and when she did agree, Peter started to argue with her as to WHY (?) she had in fact finally agreed. Then, when she does finally find the house that she REALLY wants, he's angry again that she changed her mind! Frankly, WHATEVER Lou does, in Peter's and your eyes, it's ALWAYS going to be the WRONG thing! -she just can't win!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


I have watched Heartland from the beginning here in the US on first Hulu then Netflix. Have since bought season 7 from Amazon on dvd since it was not available in any other format and I didn't want to wait for who knows how long to show in the US:) It is by far one of the best shows on and I hope it continues for a long time. Anyway, since the very start I have not liked Lou. Everything has to be her way and she is always coming up with schemes for a business and getting everyone involved whether they want to be or not. I can also see she gets this trait from her father who is very self centered as well. I enjoy the bantering between Jack and Tim but Jack is especially funny at times. His eyes are so funny when he looks at his family sometimes. He really plays his part well. Getting back to Lou I don't care for her with Peter because they each have their own idea of the path their marriage should take, neither one really gives totally and in real life you need to or your marraige won't last. I don't see Lou really settling down with anyone until she grows up (if she ever does). She is trying to go in too many directions and can't get a handle on any of them, including her marriage.



What ? Are you watching the same 'Heartland' that I am or is there a different version in that part of the world ?

Lou was so busy with her own thing that she barely gave Scott the time of day. He was the best thing that happened to her as far as a boyfriend goes and she treated him like he didn't even exist most of the time.

Do you remember the scene where Lou had lunch with the banker, way back in Season 1? The one where the banker told her that they'd extend the Heartland mortgage, ONLY on condition that she'd stay and oversee it? or did you forget that part? OF COURSE SHE WAS BUSY, RUNNING HER TAIL OFF TO SAVE THE RANCH! -AND SCOTT SHOULD HAVE UNDERSTOOD THAT!!!

Please, Peter had a real career and ran his own oil company and according to you was supposed to give that all up to spend more time stroking Lou's precious ego.

RAN IT INTO THE GROUND, YOU MEAN!!!! REMEMBER THE DUBAI DEBACLE!!! But for the good fortune of his marriage to Lou, the idiot would be sleeping on a park bench, rather than finding a safe haven at her family ranch! But for her, he'd have died of thirst and/or starvation in the Arabian Desert!! Peter owes Lou a debt of gratitude that can NEVER be repaid, and he should be kissing the ground she walks on, not arguing with her about buying the Farm House and surrounding land!!!

I will not equivocate; I will not excuse; I will not retreat a single inch; AND I WILL BE HEARD!


Are you KIDDING us???? Lou is EXHAUSTING even without a man in her life ... the way she sucks in her cheeks, crosses those arms across her chest and sticks out one hip when she's pissed ... and that is 90% of the time ... she is like a force of nature using shear force of will to demand compliance with the Law of Lou and lacking compliance she becomes a tornado, winding up and destroying everything in her path .... don't blame this on ANYONE in her life ... not Peter, not Scott, not her family ... it's ALL Lou. She is one of those individuals that just walks into the room and sucks ALL the life out of everyone. If I were a show writer, I'd put Lou in a life-threatening accident, a several week long coma, and have her wake up a different person - a kinder, gentler soul, who still has strength but isn't a bulldozer or hurricane.


LOL you have such a vivid and twisted way of describing Lou's character, talk about exaggeration.

Now I do agree with you that Lou has a lot of flaws and she can be very annoying alot of the time, usually I myself find her hard to tolerate. BUT, I don't think she is anywhere near the menace you make her out to be, at the end of the day she still has her good side, she still loves her family very much and has their best interests at heart, even though some of the things she does may seem otherwise. Anyone who loves their family as much as Lou does for her family is not all bad and still has a loving side deep inside...she just has a lot of flaws that tends to overshadow her good side, but everyone has flaws of their own...Lou probably just has more flaws than others.

And the other characters all of their own flaws too, Peter has his own flaws and selfishness, and of course Tim, he has alot of the same flaws as Lou does and I usually find him to be equally annoying as Lou, like father like daughter, but like Lou, Tim also loves his family very much.


I'm on Season 6. I just finished two episodes, Great Expectations and The Road Ahead.

So, Peter and Lou's house burns at the end of Great Expectations. Peter comes by in The Road Ahead and says "Hey, honey, good news. The insurance will pay for everything. Fortunately nobody was hurt."

Lou's flips out that he's focusing on the fact that nobody was hurt and making the property secondary to people's safety. This, after she went behind his back to spend $400,000 on the place without discussing it first.

Then, without discussing it with Peter first, she goes and applies to become a foster parent for the brat Georgie. Are you effing kidding me? You don't discuss something this major with your husband?

Even though Peter wanted the same thing, he should have bolted after she did that.


You know, I think you're right. All that fuss about how "I am her MOTHER" to Georgie's aunt and it was because she'd abruptly applied to become a foster parent without even telling her husband? Yeah, strong foundation for being a mom, witch.



I have mixed opinions about Lou, on one hand, I do think that she is a very annoying character and she does irritate me most of the time, she's so bossy and nosy, selfish, and she acts like such a hypocrite, spoiled brat and a drama queen sometimes, I have to say that I'm glad I don't have a sister or relative like that, otherwise I wouldn't be able to tolerate her most of the time.
But on the other hand, there are times when I do feel sorry for her character and can sympathize with her in certain situations, so I don't completely dislike her character.

Peter is no saint either, he has his flaws too and sometimes he can be selfish too, he's so career-driven that I feel that he always puts his job first instead of his family. Although I understand that he's working hard and very dedicated to his job in order to provide for his family, but that still does not change the fact that he's an absentee husband and father. He travels all the time, living in different cities, and is not willing to compromise on that, Lou has tried to accommodate to his lifestyle when she agreed to move to Dubai with him but she was so unhappy and lonely there it didn't work. She also tried to live with him in Vancouver for a while and that didn't work out either, he was always working. And when he was offered a good corporate job more closer to home, he refused the offer just because he hated the employer? I mean seriously? Who doesn't hate their bosses? I don't like my boss, but I'm still able to establish a good working relationship with him because I am professional enough to separate my personal opinions about my boss from my work. My boss and I may not like each other, but we still manage to work together well. Peter was putting his own personal opinions about the employer before his family...he could find any job in Alberta or somewhere closer, I don't believe there was nothing there for him in a closer city. Heck, he could even help work at Maggie's diner that his wife now owns to make a living, or he could work as the manager there, and he would always be with his family if he took a job there or another job somewhere close. But it was Peter's own decision to find jobs that take him further away from his family, I bet he probably just wanted to find jobs in the corporate world, his so called "real" jobs, yet he refused a really good job closer to home. I can't help but think that he cared more about his pride than his family. So I definitely think Peter has a selfish side of his own, and I don't think he has really compromised enough for his family either (and neither has Lou), Lou tried and it didn't work, and it's much harder with Georgie in the picture now, her life is in Heartland, that's where she lives, where her friends are, where her life with horses are, and it's hard for Lou and Peter to take that away from her.
And I do find Peter to be a hypocrite also, he accuses Lou of making certain big decisions on her own without consulting him first (which is true), but Peter himself has also made decisions without consulting Lou either. And Peter accuses Lou of being selfish and refusing to compromise, yet he himself has also been selfish and not willing to pull his weight to compromise, and they BOTH have lied to each other many times.

Overall both Lou and Peter have their share of flaws and both have made mistakes of their own...I just think they are both too different and their lifestyles are too different, and they BOTH need to be blamed for the break up of their marriage, it's not just the fault of 1 party, it takes 2 to make a marriage work, and they BOTH are responsible for not being able to make their marriage work. So it's probably a good thing that they're separated. I think Scott is a much better match for Lou, they grew up together so they understand and know each other alot better and they have similar interests and lifestyles. I'm still hoping that Lou & Scott will get back together in the future.


Point of correction: Lou never tried to live in Vancouver with Peter.

Certa Bonum Certamen


correction: she still lived with Peter in Vancouver for a while, don't forget that. It doesn't matter whether she wanted to move or not, the point is that she DID live with Peter in Vancouver for a while, and then visited him there a few times afterwards.


Please remind me when she lived in Vancouver with Peter. I know she visited him in Vancouver, but i don't ever recall her living there with him.

(Granted my memory isn't the greatest, but Lou physically moving with Peter and living there with him, even for a short period of time, is not in my memory banks.)

Certa Bonum Certamen
