Watched it as it was part of Google's search of Canadian shows and ever since I've been hooked, it feels authentically great while at times soap opera-y but since it's handled properly I don't mind. I just hate cheesy and corny soap opera which is why I avoid watching them.
Also, on season 1 I got to see Stephen Amell in his younger years. Awesome! ^_^
I hate daytime soap operas, and this show does not seem that way to me at all. I also have never heard of any of the actors before I started watching it on Netflix a couple months ago, and I think the actors do a great job. The story is always the most important part for me, and the story here gives theses actors great characters to play. These folks are the kind of folks I would like to have as neighbors, so I am liking it a whole lot.
I do not know how old you are, but the gal who plays Lisa looks like a real doll to me. At 50 years of age, she is about the same age as my daughters, so I tend to think Jessica looks quite nice - just a bit too young for me.
The actors who play Jack and Lisa are both a good bit younger than the characters they portray. To me, the characters of Jack and Lisa should be about in their mid-seventies the ages of Jack's grandchildren. My two daughters are knocking on 50, and two of my four grandchildren will soon be out of college. Accordingly, I look at Jack and think of him as my age, but he does look a lot better.
I certainly do enjoy the show and the wonderful characters.
Well, I'm half her age then. It just feels she looked way prettier in Seasons 1 and 2 than Season 3, tbh.
Jack is as good looking as always and the rest of the cast, too. One of the members I loathed was the chick that Ty brought to Heartland and Powers but thankfully these two didn't last for long.
I don't know why the two can't resist the temptation, well, in Amy's case it would've been sorta easy 'cause Powers' was an ass.
I can hardly wait for Amy's first affair. Ty won't mess around except for maybe a girl kisses him and he doesn't push her away. But that's it and it will take much longer to happen. Amy is way less loyal than Ty and will be kissing another guy, and more, within a few episodes of Season 9.
Caleb ? The Prince ? Chase ? Jesse ? Could be anyone of them or someone new.
Peter ?
Kinda spoilerish but then again it's not like Amy's not done it before during the early seasons.
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I never caught this show during its first airing. I had seen the show’s title and that was about it. I can’t recall why, but I decided to check it out one night a couple weeks ago as they seem to be doing repeats here, playing an episode every night of the week. The episode I happened to tune into was ‘Ghost Horse’. So obviously I’d missed a fair few episodes, but at least I hadn’t missed a few seasons or anything. I must say that I grew to like it quite quickly and have been watching it every night since. I think what appeals to me a lot about the show is how the main character, Amy, cares about animals/horses – I’ve really gotten sick of how other shows throw in cruelty to animals/animal death for ‘shock value’ or whatever, when it’s completely unnecessary. So many shows I might’ve enjoyed otherwise have animal death/cruelty and it’s an immediate turnoff. Why do so many shows feel the need to throw that in? Do they think it makes them ‘edgy’ or is it emotional manipulation? Because I personally find it cheap and very off-putting. Shows do *not* need it – which is why Heartland refreshing. So far, I think there’s only been one horse death (and that was offscreen and Jack was putting a badly injured horse in pain out of its misery). I do cringe, though, whenever they have any of the characters on horses performing jumps, as I keep waiting for an episode where one horse misses the jump and injures itself. I hope it doesn’t ever happen, but at the same time keep expecting it to.
Although Amy can be the typical ‘teenager character’ at times, I don’t find her too annoying the majority of the time. She loves animals, and that goes a long way to endearing her character to me. I also think Amber Marshall plays the role quite well. I like the character of Lou too, even though at times she can be frustrating with her behavior (though I can usually understand where she’s coming from, even if the behavior is a bit odd for someone who’s supposed to be more mature than Amy, being her older sister and all. Worse is their father – who acts just as immature and petty as his daughters half the time – yet he’s supposed to be an *adult*/their *father*, yet he’s acting like a teenager with his tantrums, etc – thus I’m not particularly a fan of his character. About the only useful thing I’ve seen him do thus far is save Amy one episode – although he milked that for all it was worth. Sheesh, what a manchild). The actor playing Jack is clearly the best of the bunch, but I think the two lead actresses do pretty well too and can hold their own in scenes with him.
When I started watching, Ty was away and only just returned – so I’d missed what he was like before leaving, but have been able to pick up on most stuff I might’ve missed thanks to things being explained via exposition or in the ‘Previously On’ at the start of episodes. He seems like an alright character – who, along with the actor who portrays him, is far more likeable/tolerable/a better actor than the one playing Caleb (who I’m really not fussed on as a character, and whose actor was pretty average – though has gotten slightly better since he’s returned from having been away for a little while). I find the actor playing Caleb, along with the actresses playing Amy’s friends, to be the ‘weakest’ of the actors on the show, though they’re not entirely horrible…it’s just I find a distinct difference between their acting and the leads in the show. I also couldn’t stand Ashley for the longest time until what her mother did with her horse – then I had some sympathy for her (and hated her mother), but after that was resolved, I’ve gone back to not liking her (and as much as I’m not a fan of Caleb…I’m definitely on his side when it comes to him wanting his trailer/home back, which Ashley’s living in rent-free and acting like she *owns* it. I really can’t stand this aspect of the story at the moment).
The most recent ep I’ve seen has involved Jack getting a new truck and Ty getting dancing lessons from Lou to take Amy to the dance (the actors who play Ty and Lou work well together). Anyway, I grew to enjoy the show in such a short time that I quickly ordered the series on DVD and have been waiting for it for a week or two now – but have been watching on the TV until they arrive. Once they do, I’ll be able to go back and watched the eps I missed at the start of the series. Yes, it might be classed as a ‘family friendly’ show, but I don’t find it too eyeroll-worthy and at least I don’t outright hate anyone (though a couple of characters have come close for me). Also, there’s the plus of getting to see Tatiana Maslany pre-Orphan Black. What a nice, and rather addictive, series this is. I’m happy I eventually gave it a go (better late than never).
Jack Sparrow: "Look." [shoots the monkey] "An undead monkey! Top that!"
I recently got back to watching Heartland as I left it on a 'pause' and even though I hadn't seen it for months I still remember everything, plus, with a recap (or watching bits of a previous ep) helped reviving those memories. Just can't remember why I stopped but this time around I'm hoping I'll watch to the very current season it's on -- Season 9 but the problem is, after Season 6 there isn't anymore on Netflix. Will have to check out if there are any legal stream websites that have it, such as Hulu or something.
By the way, Season 4 felt like it could have very easily wrapped up the series to its grand finale but instead it was just another season. Not that I'm complaining but for a season finale it really had a lot going for it.
I can understand wanting to take a break from it. When I first discovered the show on TV here (which turned out to be the start of Season 2), it didn't take me long before I really got into watching it every night. And by the end of Season 3, I'd already ordered box sets of Seasons 1-5 and 6-8 on DVD and went back to the start, watching from the 'Pilot' to catch up on what I'd missed.
However, around the end of Season 3 to mid-Season 4, I started to lose interest a bit. I didn't like that numerous episodes had animals either dying or seriously injured, I hated some of the new characters introduced, my hatred for Tim just kept growing and even Mallory (who I'd liked most of the time, unlike some people - although I could understand those who didn't) became less likeable for me as time went on. It got to the stage where I was cursing at certain characters when they were onscreen, because of things they did or said. Anyway, I ended up not watching eps quite as frequently - which I think helped. I'm mid-Season 7 now. It's alright (though how I wish they had made truly Jeremy pay for what he did last season - argh!).
While it's not quite as enjoyable as it once was for me, I still like the majority of the characters most of the time and watching all the extras on the DVDs is really good. Getting to see how much Amber cares for animals makes me like her even more than I already did. It still takes some getting used to Ty's new hair (after I was so used to how it was in the early seasons) and I'm not so sure Lou's Season 7 hair suits her, but oh well.
Jack Sparrow: "Look." [shoots the monkey] "An undead monkey! Top that!"
seriously? I love this show so much that I binged watched all 9 seasons back to back, I don't think there is a season I don't like, I thoroughly enjoy every season of this show and I'll gladly re-watch this show from beginning to end again. Now I'm impatiently waiting for season 10...
I love this show so much that I binged watched all 9 seasons back to back, I don't think there is a season I don't like, I thoroughly enjoy every season of this show and I'll gladly re-watch this show from beginning to end again. Now I'm impatiently waiting for season 10...
Well, that's^ pretty much how I felt early on when watching the show. I'd just discovered this new series (for me) on TV and wondered how I could have missed it during its original run on TV. Like I've said, it didn't take me long to get really into the show and I was watching an episode every night (as they repeated the series on TV here). I liked what I was watching SO much that I ordered the DVDs after only having watched a season and a half on TV.
Watching from the start of the show on DVD helped fill me in on what I had missed. Trouble was, the binge-watching, I think - where I was watching multiple episodes in a row nearly every day. I think I overdid it a bit. Not to say I don't binge-watch things (if I get a new season of a show, I'll happily watch a couple episodes, or even a few, in a row), but with Heartland, I was watching *seasons* of it in a row, one after another, and it got to the stage where I started finding things a bit "same-y" at times.
I really did love the show early on, but I just found that some developments happened in the later seasons that made me not like it as much. However, I'd probably happily watch the early seasons again after finishing Season 8 (as Season 9 hasn't come out here on DVD as far as I know). It is a bit disappointing that I was so into the show to start with, but my interest has lessened over time (then again, I find this is the case with a lot of shows I watch. Some that I was SO enthusiastic about in the beginning, and which I couldn't wait for new episodes of, have now gotten to the stage where I can patiently wait until the next episode is on TV. There's actually very few shows I now watch where I can't wait for the next episode).
I don't want to make it sound like I don't enjoy this show - because I *do* still like it. It's far less depressing or aggravating than a lot of shows on TV at the moment, which is nice. I just feel it had a charm about it in the early seasons - but that's just imho, of course. To each their own.
Jack Sparrow: "Look." [shoots the monkey] "An undead monkey! Top that!"
I understand what you mean, we all have different opinions and preferences, I also have seen certain shows which I eventually got tired of watching after a while and lost interest...obviously in your case, Heartland is one of these shows for you, but not for me. I don't think there was ever a time when I got tired of this show, as I said, I thoroughly enjoyed every season, some seasons I enjoyed more than others, but there isn't a season that I didn't like.
I think we all have certain shows that we started watching but eventually lose interest after a while...for me personally, Heartland is one of those shows that I've watched from beginning to end and never lost interest.
Yeah, I agree with what you're saying, and I totally understand your perspective regarding Heartland. I wish I had more shows that I watch which were like this:
I don't think there was ever a time when I got tired of this show, as I said, I thoroughly enjoyed every season, some seasons I enjoyed more than others, but there isn't a season that I didn't like.
one of those shows that I've watched from beginning to end and never lost interest.
And less like this:
certain shows which I eventually got tired of watching after a while and lost interest.
Sadly, over time there's been less and less of the former and more of the latter for me. And I'm not that hard to please when it comes to shows, really. Oftentimes with shows I watch, when most people seem to no longer be enjoying them, I'm one of the few who still is (and vice versa. There's shows where I only liked the first few seasons, while everyone else is still enjoying them long after).
Quite a lot of shows in the past few years have started, and I've thought they're my new favourite show...but a season or two in and my enthusiasm for them has lessened - though there are some shows that I might feel this way about...until they're back on the air from their break, and then I'm really into them again. I think there's only a handful of shows I'm currently watching on TV that I remain excited for throughout (there's others that I watch only on DVD, but that's another matter, as there's no having to wait a week between episodes. However, the downside is waiting almost a year for the next season to be released on DVD where I am).
I will say that if I go a few days without watching episodes of my Heartland DVDs, it helps me enjoy the show when I do go back to watching episodes. I do have a feeling of somewhat 'missing' the show/its characters (well...most of them), and because I watch lots of dark (and sometimes quite depressing) stuff, taking a break from that and re-immersing myself in the more sunny, lighthearted (for the most part) Heartland is a welcome relief. Most recent episodes I watched were two from Season 7 involving Amy having an accident and possibly being blinded (I realise the show is well past this season elsewhere, but just thought I'd play it safe in case anyone who's behind, like me, ventured in here). Anyway, Ty was awesome throughout. He listens to Amy, he values her opinions, but at the same time challenges her...and I really wish he'd sock Tim in the jaw once in a while (who is completely useless and only makes bad situations *worse*). Amber and Graham are so good together, they're the heart of this show for sure. When show gets things right/does things well, it makes me remember why I first got into it and enjoyed it.
Jack Sparrow: "Look." [shoots the monkey] "An undead monkey! Top that!"