MovieChat Forums > Heartland (2007) Discussion > Peter honey are you back?

Peter honey are you back?

Oh Peter, you got lottsa 'xplainin' ta do ... but to we viewers it's so easy to understand why someone calling you "honey" and looking like a tall drink of cold water would win out over 2 kids, a hovering, loving generational family, and that screeching ball-buster Lou ... wonder if Lou sees that in her internal mirror or will the writers let her see the strong true woman she was before you came along and pressured her into marriage, pressured her into moving to Dubai then - then they wrote you into splitting the family and moving far away -- oh wah wah wah cuz you didn't like your boss. Will the writers finally let Lou look in that internal mirror and see that you, Peter, made her into that screeching ball-buster? The writers never put a "cowboy" her own age in her life they put you and with that blond, they snatched Lou out of your clutches so now maybe the writers will give her room to grow instead of stifling her with you. I cannot wait to see where the writers take us next.



Peter is just as guilty of always putting his work before his family, he is constantly traveling for work and not willing to take a job closer to his family, that's his own decision, so don't blame Lou for that. Peter has his own flaws and selfishness so people shouldn't just blame Lou alone, and they are both responsible for the breakup of their takes the efforts of 2 people to make a marriage work, and they BOTH failed to work things out between them, that's not just Lou's fault, it's equally Peter's fault.


I completely agree. Lou and Peter were both at fault. I feel like Peter did put his work ahead of his family a lot but I think after Dubai he felt inadequate in a way because they had no choice but to move back in with Jack. Then I don't think he handled Lou being the bread winner well. If we recall he had a strict plan about job, marriage and kids and it all flew out the window. He had to learn to adapt and immnotmsure he ever fully did. I feel Lou could have fixed so many problems if she was just honest about what she needed from Peter instead of always trying to handle him. She always assumed she knew what his answer would be so she tried to go behind his back to get what she needed instead of confiding her in husband what the issues were. Then again i always thought they set Peter and Lou up from the beginning to fail. They had Lou hiding him when they were first dating. Then fast marriage and kids. Then lost job and burnt down house. Thats a lot thrown at them.


even Tim has a good side and that is no matter how big of a jerk he is, deep down he still loves his family very much, and despite all of Lou's flaws, deep inside she loves her family very much too, and she always has her family's best interests at heart...the problem I think is that some of her actions may seem otherwise, and can cause more damage than good, but she doesn't have any ill intentions when it comes to her family, she always thinks she's doing what's best for her family, even though she may not realize that some of the things she does may not be helping, but she always has good intentions when it came to family.

