Heartland renewed for season ten
According to the CBC heartland blog; Heartland gets a season 10
According to the CBC heartland blog; Heartland gets a season 10
I think Amber retired around season 5. She mailed it in for 6 and 7. I just started season 8, sure hope she changes a bit.
I've seen no changes in Amber Marshall's acting at all, her acting has neither improved nor worsened throughout the seasons, so I'll have to disagree with you.
shareHer onscreen chemistry with Ty changed dramatically after she was married. It's been very noticeable. They are more like brother and sister now than they are madly in love.
to be honest with you, I was never really that into the whole Amy & Ty relationship to begin with, even though they are the main couple on this show and I think they make a nice couple and all, but I don't see much passion in their relationship...there's no doubt they love each other, but their relationship just seem to lack passion, so they're a bit of a boring couple to watch for me. But I do think they have good onscreen chemistry though, and I haven't seen that fade in recent seasons either, I don't think they seem like brother & sister at all, just a couple who seem to lack passion in their relationship.
shareI think they should have had them go their separate ways a while ago. Ty is not that essential to the show. Amy is. You could have even used up half a season of decent stories showing her getting over the break up and moving on.
I'm convinced they seem more like brother and sister than a couple in love.
I agree that Ty is not necessarily an essential character to have on the show, but obviously the writers want their romance to be a focus on the show.
And to be perfectly honest, I actually find Ty to be more of an interesting character than Amy, mainly because we already know just about everything about Amy and her family and her past because she and her family are the main focus on the show, and don't get me wrong, I really enjoy watching her work her magic with the horses. It's just that Ty came from a very broken family and a very complicated past, and I think it's great to have this kind of character with such complicated past and family issues on the show. I know there are many people in reality who also come from very broken families and have similar complications in their pasts and their lives, and I think it's great that these people have a character that can sort of 'represent' them in the show, it helps to bring more sense of realism to this show. Of course there are other aspects of the show that some people can relate to in real-life, I think Ty and his story & background is just another layer of realism that's been incorporated into the show. Seeing him struggle to deal with his complicated past and moving on with his life and trying to build a much better life for himself, just watching his character develop, evolve and mature throughout the show was interesting for me, so I'm glad he's on the show. I may not be particularly interested in his romance with Amy, but I do enjoy watching them both grow and evolve eventually as characters.
Honestly if they broke Ty and Amy up now it would ruin the show for me simply because they spent 9 years getting them to this point. It would be feel like 100 steps back and a repeat of what happened with Peter/Lou. At least with Peter and Lou I felt they were always set up to fail from the beginning. Granted I can't decide if I think they will bring them back together or not. I'll be okay either way. Besides I can't see the show running to many more seasons.
Seeing has I'm a relatively new fan of the show I don't keep up with rumors and what not but I thought Graham missing a few episodes here and there was more for budgetary reasons. I really didn't think him missing a few episodes hurt anything. It never did when Lou's character would be gone for a few as well. Honestly if they are trying to keep budget down I feel like they could have all the cast members miss a couple episodes. Katie and Georgie could actually go visit Peter in Vancouver and be gone for an episode or two. Lou could do a number of things. I hope with Ty they don't keep pushing conferences or visiting his mom they could just say he had surgeries all day at the clinic or something. I even think we could do the show without Amy for an episode. They seem to be building Georgie to have connections with horses as well. So maybe we could see her working with a horse because Amy wasn't there. I'd much rather see that then them focusing so much in her trick riding.
I'd also really love to see them actually give Caleb a story line again. I almost want them to have us find at that Cass was really pregnant and had an abortion without telling Caleb. I feel that could be some good drama and possibly cause them to break up. I'm not a huge Cass/Caleb fan though so... Plus I'd rather see Scott then her.
oh gosh I hope not! I like Ty, I don't want the writers to turn him into a young Peter 2.0! That would just totally ruin his character for me...there's already a good amount of annoying characters on this show for me, I don't want Ty to be another one. And even though his romance with Amy bores me, but like the other poster said, the writers have spent a whole 9 seasons dedicated to building up their relationship, that's the entire show, and there's already been enough drama in their relationship in these 9 seasons, they've been on and off enough times already, and now with a baby on the way...to separate them AGAIN, I think it's just a waste of time. It's time and effort that the writers can use to invest in the other characters, and give the other characters more focus and better storylines.
that would be the point.
I actually enjoyed S8 and S9 pretty well. I think S7 was the worst for me but I also think I wasn't a huge fan of second half of 6 maybe. I can't remember now. Binging the show makes it all blend. I hated S7 because it felt like a repeated story line for Ty and Amy.
I feel like S8 and S9 focused a lot on Peter and Lou and their fallout. But, I like how much we saw them struggling. Whether trying to decide whether or not to separate and later how to handle it. I was actually always indifferent to Peter and Lou until like 2 specific scenes in episodes of S9. It's was the first time I actually felt anything for them.
Season ten goes into full production on Monday, May 9. The weather out in Southern Alberta is great, and I'm sure there will be some nice little teasers leaking out from the official blog, Instagram, and Twitter accounts.
Certa Bonum Certamen
The season finale episode of Season 9 confirmed that the show's coming back during the Fall so it's not much of a secret. Still, I'm pleased to see there's some activity on this board whilst almost none.