Amy/Ashley question

I'm new to the show and I recently saw an Amy/Ashley scene that caught my attention. I'm wondering which seasons focus on their friendship. From what I can tell, it appears to be the first two.



I think it was...when they were in school together.


Thanks, but I'm basically asking if anyone remembers the specific seasons.



You already stated the seasons...they were high school friends during seasons 1 & 2 but Ashley was a spoiled rich girl who was jealous of Amy.
Ashley changed and became a better person when she started dating Caleb & her Mother kicked her out and she was working in Maggie's Diner.

She & Amy stayed friends until she left in season 4.


Great. Thanks a lot for the details. Now I'll know which ones to look for.



I found one of the original books that focuses on their bond as well, so I'm looking forward to reading it. This seems like an interesting series.



I only read about the first five....I got disappointed in the series..when lou married peter instead of scott...

my belief..i know that others won't agree with me...but, they didn't marry her and scott was because the actor playing him is of course native Canadian....


""my belief..i know that others won't agree with me...but, they didn't marry her and scott was because the actor playing him is of course native Canadian...."""

I highly doubt that is true. Nathaniel Arcand is a respected actor and if that was the case he would have walked off the show.


my belief..i know that others won't agree with me...but, they didn't marry her and scott was because the actor playing him is of course native Canadian...."""

that's the reason I always stated...

in the books, scott wasn't

I think that it would have been great if theyh did...

but, you know, Nathaniel's in a lot of stuff...yes, so is Gabriel Hogan...but.....

I think that Nathaniel's time is spent elsewhere a lot that could have been some of it....

but, yes, I believe you're right, they chickened out



which is so very sad in this day and age...

they had an iter-racial couple on back in the 70's, what's happened today.....

40 years later....



Maybe if they had a competent actor playing Scott you would have had your wish.

I'm glad they haven't had the two of them hook up. Good for them.


I'm going to bite my tongue.


In terms of practicality, had 'Lou' married 'Scott', folks would have wanted them to have babies.

TV demands that twins play infants/toddlers due to very strict work rules. Kiddies that young cannot work more than x number of minutes in a day. I don't know jack about much, but I imagine that it would be a casting nightmare for the producers to find twins capable of believably pulling off the role of the offspring of Lou and Scott. Identical twins are rare enough(ish) - imagine how much more difficult it would be to find twins of that particular mixture.

Certa Bonum Certamen


I'm finally checking the series out on DVD. I'm hoping this Amy/Ashley stuff will be fun to watch.



TV demands that twins play infants/toddlers due to very strict work rules. Kiddies that young cannot work more than x number of minutes in a day. I don't know jack about much, but I imagine that it would be a casting nightmare for the producers to find twins capable of believably pulling off the role of the offspring of Lou and Scott. Identical twins are rare enough(ish) - imagine how much more difficult it would be to find twins of that particular mixture.

I'm sure that it wouldn't have been...there are a lot of native actors out there...and I'm sure that there are baby twins, as well....

pretty much all the native actors that are in an American show....only guest stars, mind you....are pretty much all Canadian....the ones that have parts, other then one time, come from mexico.......or other places like that....

so pretty much, all your native actors are from Canada, always have been.......

so, no I don't believe that it would have been difficult to find babies that are bi-racial.....because there is a lot of intermarriage.......

including a comedy that was on here for a few years..ok, so each season only had like six episodes...but, it was done....

where a ukranian (decent) married a native woman.....and they blended their families......



I still refuse to accuse the producers/writers of racism. That angers greatly. It's like, "Oh, we'll have Nathaniel Arcand, but that's as far as we're willing to go, because white Canadians can't handle seeing a Native guy with a white woman. And them having kids? Forget it! We'll lose viewers in droves if that happens!"

Really? Is that what you honestly think went through their minds? Really?

Certa Bonum Certamen


It could be that he is just an awful actor. Why give him more screen time than is necessary? I'm surprised he wasn't a 7th Heaven regular.


I'm in season 2 now. Thank God they don't have them together for too long. The vet is a horrible, horrible actor and I hate him more with each episode.

They should have had Lou date Oliver Queen like she was going to in the first season.


Wow, I didn't know Oliver Queen was in Heartland!! I thought DC was very protective of their creative properties. CBC must have ponied up big bucks to have Oliver make an appearance...

Sorry, I'm being a jerk.

Stephen Amell played Nick Harwell -- calling him "Oliver Queen" is incorrect because that isn't who appears in Heartland.

And while I agree it would have been nice to see a Nick and Lou relationship, Nick was probably already in a relationship with a woman named Claire, who is briefly mentioned in a later season. (Although that comes to nothing, since by that later time, Nick and Claire are divorced.)

Personally, I don't -- nor have I ever had -- any issue with Arcand's acting.

I used to have slight problems with Michelle Morgan's delivery in the early going, but she's really grown as an actress and she's fine now.

Certa Bonum Certamen


Sorry, calling him Oliver Queen is a joke. Would have thought people may have a sense of humor. Noted.


Sense of humor?!

Nah. We're all stuck-up jerks here. Oh, wait... That's just me.

You're absolutely right -- I should just have taken it as the joke it was meant to be. (I'm still learning to leave my pet peeves on the editing room floor...)

Certa Bonum Certamen


So Amy and Ashley don't really talk much at all in season 2. Do they actually interact more in the third season?



Most of the third season Ashley was interacting with Caleb.


I'm new to the series, too, and have been watching reruns on Uptv to catch up to the current season. They were classmates in season 1 but they were NOT friends until season 2 episode 7, when the two girls competed in a rodeo, and Ashley lost. Ashley's, horse, Apollo, is sold by her mother, Ashley gets drunk and Amy drives her home (except that they get in car crash before they get there). This is where there friendship starts. In episode 8, the girls bond even more when basically Apollo is found and is saved by Amy and her family.


^ I've seen the first two, but thanks.

Most of the third season Ashley was interacting with Caleb.

I appreciate it. I guess this bond isn't quite as developed and interesting as I thought.



I found that Caleb and Ashley season three to be the highlight of the season. For whatever reason their story lines were better written then Ty and Amy's that season.

But that's just my opinion.


Right except for one thing... Ashley wasn't kicked out, she left after her mom bought Caleb off (funded his rodeo run)


Right except for one thing... Ashley wasn't kicked out, she left after her mom bought Caleb off (funded his rodeo run)

I thought that Ashley wanted to go to uni...and that's why she left......caleb



She left home twice...

One because of the whole "buying off Caleb" thing.

After their wedding, Val went with them to Italy and extended her and Ashley's part of the vacation leaving Caleb to go home along. When Ashley finally returned from her vacation, she was really restless and fought with Caleb all the time. Then Val brings in the pamphlets from BC university-prep courses (likely knowing that Alberta has plenty of those) and says that she'll fund Ashley's education to the BC place. Caleb decided to drop his entire career because he wants to be a good husband and goes with her. When he returns to the show, he's alone and they eventually get a divorce through the mail and Caleb paying a bunch of money to lawyers. His career is basically gone and so is his wife. He can be a dolt sometimes, but he got screwed by everything in this situation.


This is the stupidest post I'll ever admit to reading. Kind of like staring at a grusome car accident
