MovieChat Forums > Heartland (2007) Discussion > Lou is making me hate this show SPOILERS

Lou is making me hate this show SPOILERS


I watched the first episode of season 9 last night and WTF...she is so annoying...
Lou and Peter are separated and he basically makes the request that the children spend the summer in Vancouver which she is clearly uncomfortable with...but instead of just saying that up front...she basically passively aggressively postpones the conversation at least 10 times...then finally she is like...I don't like the idea of them being there while you are working which with a nanny...I guess is valid reason...but then Peter...agrees that he will keep them while he is off and still she is no...because Georgie doesn't want to be away from home at her idea is that he can see them basically only at Heartland on her terms...


In the end...they both decide to get an attorney BUT

Lou is like the most annoying person on the face of the earth.



Right it's totally not feasible that they would live the loft still. This needs to get better fast



I hope so:)




Being in the USA sucks majorly. I refuse to watch on YouTube and have to wait a WHOLE YEAR for seasons to come out on DVD. I just received season 8 in the mail and marathon watching the episodes. Glad to know Ty and Amy get married and Peter and Lou are breaking up. Lou "the character" is suppose to be annoying but I like Peter. Hope things get better for you all who are watching season 9.



Sure, characters are supposed to grow during the course of a series, but Lou's growth seems to be in the worst possible way. Talk about a whiny, controlling witch! She and Lisa are alike in some ways, but Lisa is infinitely more likeable! They could send Lou off to NY or Vancouver or Toronto or anywhere and the show would be a LOT better. I'm also not fond of Georgie - she's taking after Lou in becoming a manipulative, spoiled, pain in the butt and the show is becoming more Georgie-centric, which I don't like. I wish they'd bring back Mallory and Jake and Saroya (sp?) and Mrs. Bell. I feel for Peter and wish he'd get a better deal than he's getting; his character is likable.

I would like to see the show get more focused on Amy and Ty or even Jack and Lisa.

As much as I'm a fan of Chris Potter, Tim is a jerk who may have gotten thrown on his head a few times too many, but at least he seems to be maturing with the help of the new girlfriend. It was good that he told her about his addiction problem. Some of his schemes are hard to watch but in seeing them, it's clear that Lou learned how to NOT listen to what other people want from Tim.

Seriously, send Lou and Georgie to therapy and chill them out already!


I think episode 903 was a great improvement for everyone.

Lou has promised she and Peter would handle the separation better, and I think she has. Georgie knew she'd messed up, big time, with her lie of omission, and when everyone started being honest with each other, things started to move in the right direction for all concerned.

Certa Bonum Certamen



I honestly think Lou's behavior has improved in a big way so far over the course of Season 9.

Certa Bonum Certamen



I think it's improved too!


Actually I'm having a lot more empathy for Lou this season. She takes care of everything, Peter goes his merry way, then when he comes back to Heartland he's the hero.
