Lou is making me hate this show SPOILERS
I watched the first episode of season 9 last night and WTF...she is so annoying...
Lou and Peter are separated and he basically makes the request that the children spend the summer in Vancouver which she is clearly uncomfortable with...but instead of just saying that up front...she basically passively aggressively postpones the conversation at least 10 times...then finally she is like...I don't like the idea of them being there while you are working which with a nanny...I guess is valid reason...but then Peter...agrees that he will keep them while he is off and still she is no...because Georgie doesn't want to be away from home at all...so her idea is that he can see them basically only at Heartland on her terms...
In the end...they both decide to get an attorney BUT
Lou is like the most annoying person on the face of the earth.