I agree with you...although I do commend Ty for wanting to be a wildlife warrior and help to protect the Gobi bears, but the timing is just not right. Amy is pregnant and at a time like this, he should be a responsible father and take care of his pregnant wife, he says he'll be gone for a couple of months but we don't know exactly how long it's going to take...he could possibly miss the birth of his baby. I like Ty and I don't want him to be like Peter, an irresponsible and absent father...so I'm disappointed that Ty decided to go to Mongolia at such a crucial time like this.
If Amy were not pregnant, then I would fully support Ty's decision...but since she is pregnant, the timing is just not right, he should be home supporting and protecting his pregnant wife. And as much as I like Amy, I think she's just too soft and submissive sometimes, especially when it comes to her relationship with Ty.