Does No One On This Series Have Any Sense Of Continuity?
Hey folks,
I like many things about this show, but I cannot understand how no one connected with this show seems to pay any attention to the continuity of the series. In the first episode of Season 7, Prince Ahmed of a Mid-East nation arrives with a large stable of horses and his head-groom, Adrian Gilson. There is a problem horse requiring Amy's special talents, and the head-groom enthusiastically recommends her to the prince. Actually he falls on his sword recommending Amy and is portrayed as a stand-up character.
Eight weeks later in the ninth episode, Ahmed and head-groom Adrian re-appear with another problem horse for Amy to fix. This time, Adrian is portrayed as a vindictive drunk who obviously hates Amy. Adrian is the same character in both episodes and played by the same actor, but somehow the scriptwriter must not have seen or remembered the earlier episode, and the Adrian character ends up being a Jekyl/Hyde thing.
Then there is the feast and famine thing going on from one episode to the next. In one episode they talk about no dude ranch customers and Amy with no customers of her own. In the next episode the dude ranch is filled and Amy has more work than she can handle.
This lack of continuity is beyond belief, and after so many successful seasons I would think even the actors would raise the continuity flag even though it is not their responsibility. I understand the concept of suspending one's disbelief, but one should not have to suspend their disbelief concerning series continuity.
Oh well, I do enjoy the series in spite of this shortcoming, and I should be thankful it represents so many good things in life.
Best wishes,
Dave Wile