MovieChat Forums > Paul (2011) Discussion > Religious people need to be offended fro...

Religious people need to be offended from time to time



Does hat incluide toy in your Religion? ir do you delude yourself into thinkign you have no Religion?

Religion is just beleifs we hdk to abotu our word, and even the Non-Religious are really just Religious, but say their ebelfis arent eligious. Why shoudl beople need to be offended for sincerley held beleifs?




You just [roved my point hat the modern, Militant Atheidt is less interested in a Rational discussion on the topic of Religion, and mroe into promotign its own crafted Narrative and its own Myhology. If confronted by this, all you can do is act Childish and dismiss it.


Nothing you write makes any sense, you don't have a good enough understanding of the English language to post on here.


Actually, everythign I've said makes sense and I speak English perfectly. If you mean my spelling, I'm dyslexic. I suppose your super Rational Mind never considered the possibility though.


Haha just stop


So, instead of engagign my actual arguments, you rely on mockery as if laughign at me invaludates what I'ce said?

Oh, and I already knw the responce. "You didn't say anythgin that made sense" or "What yiu said is clealry stupid" is not a valid respince either.


How exactly am I supposed to respond to something that is incoherent drivel?


You see, this is why the modern Atheist cannot be taken seriouly. Do you reallyt hink this is the First Time I've had the "Incoherant Drivel' accusation thrown my way? The thign is, what I said wasnt Incoherant Drivel, its just cotnradictory to the mythology yoru own Religion feeds you. The only reason you call it Incoherant Drivel is to avoid havign to habe a real, valid discussion on the topic, and this way you can evade that whilst fulfilljng the narrative script of "Irrational Religious people". Its just a cheap ploy.


Haha just keep posting, I am loving this :)


If you were loving it, you'd be replyign to what I said. Again, cheap gimmick, mockery.


You have to be the most clueless buffoon I have ever come across on the internet, and that is saying something :)


AD Homonym is a logical fallacy.


I don't want to be rude, but we live in the age of spell check. Dyslexic or not the little red underline means you've misspelled something. You should pay closer attention to the words you type, I am also dyslexic by the way(take more time when writing would be my tip). And if you want to argue atheism is a religion you've got your work cut out for you. Just because YOU view it as a religion, doesn't make it so. You can't change the way words work because YOU want them to fit YOUR definition. I can't change the meaning of happy to sad just because I want to. Changing words definitions to fit your "argument" isn't very logical in my book.


Spell check works by drop list. When you hover ove those little red lined words and clok them, a lis drops down and lets you pick the correct word from said list, presumign the correct word is on the List.

Here's the hing, the words all look similar, and from my prspective the same. I have to slow and and relaly concentrate to pick the right oen and even then there is no gurentee. To post on the Internet, it'd take me abotu an hour to spell check a regular post. I'm sorry but I don;'t have that Kind of Time.

By the way, I did not argue that Atheims is a Religion. I argued that beign an Atheist doens't mean you have no religion. The deifnition of Atheism is a beleif that there is no God. (No, it id not really defined as lack of beleif in gids, that is a new Definition created for polemic purposes, but is also ontologiclaly impossible.)

The definition fo Relgiion is a Set of beleifs about the nature, cause, and ultimate meanign of existance. No I di not omit the part of the deifnition that says Religion requires beleif in a superhuman controlign agency, that bit follows the word especially if, and especially never means exclusively or nessisarily.

Religion is any beleif system that is used to explain the world we live in, and to build a framework by which we can understand it snd interact with it.

Whiel it is true that Atheismn in and of itself is not a Relgiion, Theism isnt a Relgiion either. But both can be compoentns of a Religion.

My actual agument is that the Non-Religiosu alternatives to Religion, such as Secular Humanism, are really Religions in their own Right, and anythign you repalce Religion with will be a Religion.

In factm this undersandign fo Relgiion was agreed upon by the very peoepl who creared Humanism, as the First Humanist manifesto openly declared Humanism as a Religion. You can read it yoruself online, just lookuo the Firts Humanist manifesto.

I'm not arguign that all Atheist are Humanists by the way, I'm just usign this as an example. its liek how not all Theists are Christains.

he poitn I am makign is that, Religion is nothign mroe than the beleifs we hodl to about the eorld we liv ein, and veeryone has those beleifs. Beleifs hat ell us who we are, where we came from, what Life is all about, and how best to live it. Bleifs that explain to us hwo the world works or how we shoudl seeit or what is important.

Religion is nto hwo Google defines it, beefi in and revenrance of gods and spernstueal poers, its abotu understanding the world.

So instead of bahsign me for callign Atheism a Religion, why dont you ty unerstandign my actual arugment.

Also, pelase dotn reject my argument just becau eyou'd prefer to see "Atheists" as not beign Religious. Thats not really valid.


Well to be completely fair, its really hard to understand what you say. Its a mess of words in there. I can gather mostly of whats said, but with your incredible jumble of words you can understand its hard to determine what you are saying at some times. And again, YOU can't change the meaning of a word just because you WANT it to mean what YOU want. And I wasn't bashing you for saying Atheism is a religion, I was bashing you for changing words meaning to suit your argument. It would be akin to me saying "the definition of happy is wrong, it actually means sad." Again work on more carefully reading your posts, its hard to take you seriously with EVERY other word being completely goofed.


Zarove is famous for insisting that anything you can call a "worldview" or "belief system" is actually a "religion". He will do this everything.

But, he also just said it was "impossible" to simply lack a belief in gods and to not actively disbelieve in them, so you know the kid isn't too smart.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


Thanks for the advice. I kinda figured he was at least very stubborn. Won't be wasting my time here anymore haha.


You know what I find funny about Freethinkers on the Internet? This kidn of reply.

You wo't waste your TIem with me. I'm stubborn and clealry not worth it. Why? Because I am sayign soemthign you don't like or agree with, and another poster has told you how I am.

Is that relaly fair? How do you knwo his statements abotu me are even reliable?

The Truth is, there's mroe to my aruments than just Apologetics and there's mor ethought out into them than just dismissal. I have a Reason for sayign Atheism si not a Lack of belefi in gods, and I have a Reason for sayign a Worldview is a Religion. I'm not just redefinign words to suit my arguments. I am simply challengint the deifnition you use. In soem cases, the definitiosn you use aren't the correct ones, or at leats aren't the only ones, and yet you'd accuse me of redefinign ters to suit my arugments because I'm not in agrement with ou on what certain words mean.

Is that Logcial?

I'm sorry but, if you take the word of this guy just because you don't like what I've said, you've proven my ultimat ep;oint. The modern Atheist movement isn't built on Reason and Frethought, it's based on its own internal dogmas which arne't allowed to be challegned, nd on conformity to a Tribal identity.

The Reason I don't accept Atheism as lack of beleif in a god is ebcause it's never been defined that way. Even in Modrn Dictioanries, none of them defien it as Lack of beleif in gods. Bertrand Russel even said plainly that Atheism was a beleif that there are no gods, as did other past, respected Atheists such as H. G. Wells or any of the Huxleys.

Yet, soemhow I'm redefinign the term "Atheism" becuase tis "Real" Definition is Lack of belefi in gods, a dfinition no oen hear of till 15 or so years ago.

Think abotu that for a moment. I'm the oen whose redefinign the term, but men who lived before me agre with me on what it means.

Maybe instead of just dismissign what I've said, you shoudl ask why it is I say it. WHy am I so adamant abotu this position? Maybe I'm not so Stubbirn i won't change my Mind, maybe I just havent been fgiven a Reason to. Also, maybe your own stubbornness prevents you fprm beign hoenst with the topic.

By the way, I also didnt redefine Relgiion, if you look it up in the Enclyclopedia Britannica, for example, it mentiosn Hmajistic and Atheistic Religions as existing.

The discussion on what Relgiion is didnt begin with me either.

Nothign I say is novel or original, it just doens't fit the morn Debate you seeont he Internet.


Holy crap, take the time to spell check. It's very distracting that you are constantly misspelling/typing every other word. Everything you say come across as uneducated simply because it looks like a five year old typed it.

We both don't agree on what religion is, and your argument isn't compelling. You won't come to terms with what I've said either. So it would be pointless to continue this dialog.


I already explaiend why I don`t use spell check so that`s an Ad Homonym.

Also, the reason my arument isn`t compelling is that you don`t want it to be. Keep in mind you didn`t even understand my arugment originally, and I doubt you do now. That`s oen of the Reasons I reject the enture Mythology opresnted by conemporary Atheism, since the claim of `Reason`guiding yoru thoughts is undermined when you make stock arguments.

Think abotu it, it doens`t matter wat I say or how well the spellign is, you`ve decided I`m wrogn form the word go since I cotnradict the tennets of yoru `Non-Religious Philosophy`, and thefefore must be wrong, and must be Religious, and Religious peopel ar eincapable of compellign arguments.

But that doesn`t make me wrong. Atheismn is still formally defined as the beleif that there are no gods, or as a rejection of Theism, and Religion is still a very brioad word with no absolute meaning. If you don`t beleive me, chekc most standard dictioanries, or the Encyclopedia Brittannica, or the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, or other refeence works.

The only reason Atheism is even defined ss a lakc of beelif now is becaue it helps in arugments. That`s what makes it hypocritical to tell me I`m redefinign words o suit my arugments. The Truth is, Atheism was redefiend to suit an arugment 15 to 20 yeard ago, as `Lack of beleif`. No oen in the 1980`s defined Atheism as `Lack fo belief in gods`.

The reason Atheism was redefined as a Lack of beleif is becaue if its a beleif, then yoi are takign a position you have to defend, but by sayign tis the abscence of beelif you don`t have o defend it allow ing you to be on permenant offence with no need for defence.

However, hwo the word is actually used undermiens the new definition sicne the same peopel who insist Atheism is a mere lac of beleif in gods will also say thigns like `God does not exist`or `God is a fairy tale for adults`, which is a sstement of fact that God doesnt exist, a position they take, a beleif. The lack of beelif definition is just silly tosh.

As for religion, think abotu what I said above, If contemoproary Athism (Not mere Atheism0 has a structured beleif system that exlains the world we liv ein and how to conduct outselves, then what relaly makes it different form ReligionÉ

If Reigion relaly is limited to pnly bleif sstems that are Thesitic, and Atheist are in no way Religious, why shoudl i acept any argument hat religion is dangerous and causes cnflcitÉ Wou;n`t `Non-religiosu OPhilosophies`also creat ocnflcit when peoepl disagreeÉ

The Truth is, yoru arguments arent compelling becsuseyou refuse to consider these points.


Your refusal to "accept" that atheism can be a simple lack of belief in gods is irrelevant, because there are millions of atheists who feel that way. Millions of people who will not take a hard stance that there is NO god for the exact same reason that they can't believe that there IS one: the absence of evidence.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


I don't care how Atheists, or anyoen else, feels. The Reality remains, yoru Midn has to proccess all concepts it is inorduced to. An Atheist has simply come to the conclusion that God does not exist.

That is a beelif, not a lack of beleif. I'm not sayign all Atheist are hard lien abotu it though.

Also, the "Lack of evidence' rubbish has gotten old. Not only have Theisst presented evidence, regardless of if youthink it qualifies as convincing, but I have spoken to too many Atheists now to beelvie they were all simply pointign to a lack of evidence.


I don't care how Atheists, or anyoen else, feels. The Reality remains, yoru Midn has to proccess all concepts it is inorduced to. An Atheist has simply come to the conclusion that God does not exist.

Don't tell me what I believe. Are you freaking deaf and blind? The only conclusion I have come to is that no argument for the existence of god has been compelling, so I have no reason to believe in one. I don't know if god exists and I don't really care either.

Also, the "Lack of evidence' rubbish has gotten old.

So what? It's the truth, I am not going to change it because you're bored.

Not only have Theisst presented evidence, regardless of if youthink it qualifies as convincing

NO. NOT "REGARDLESS". The fact that your evidence is not convincing is, in fact, the only thing that matters here. If your evidence were convincing, there would be no such thing as an atheist.

but I have spoken to too many Atheists now to beelvie they were all simply pointign to a lack of evidence.

Exactly. YOU think that you are entitled to decide what atheists actually believe, which makes you supremely arrogant as well as completely wrong.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


I dn' think I am entitles to descide what others beelive, I think I am entitled to uestinign if they truly beelive what they say though.

My arugmnet is not "Yoru positon is X", its that you are self decieved into thinking soemthgin abotuyoruself thatis not True.


I dn' think I am entitles to descide what others beelive, I think I am entitled to uestinign if they truly beelive what they say though.

Then question it, and stop telling me what I believe. Question it, and don't tell me that I have actively argued against the existence of god when I have never done any such thing. When you say this:

"I don't care how Atheists, or anyoen else, feels. The Reality remains, yoru Midn has to proccess all concepts it is inorduced to. An Atheist has simply come to the conclusion that God does not exist"...

you are telling me what I believe. Stop pretending otherwise. You are telling me that I have come to a conclusion that I have not. Your pathetic inability to process "I don't know" is not my problem.

My arugmnet is not "Yoru positon is X"

No, your argument is that nobody's position is "Y" even after you have been told that my position is "Y".

You cannot conceive the position "I don't know", then that is on you. I am not trying to sway you. I don't care what you believe. If you tell me that you have a personal belief then I will accept that. But you are the one who keeps telling me that I am incapable of not knowing whether there is a god. Over and over you have said that atheists don't have a lack of belief, that they disbelieve. But you are wrong. I don't disbelieve because there is NO EVIDENCE that there's no such thing as god. I don't believe because there is NO EVIDENCE that there IS such thing as god.

That means I don't know. It is a lack of belief either way, which makes me an atheist because I do not believe in god.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


I explained in PM, but will here as well.

I had a friend online who helped me in the spelling, so please do thank her for the clarity.

For someone who has said that I am not too bright, you seem to not really understand simple things.

I did admit error, and even apologised to you in an earlier post, so its obvious that I can admit error. I just don't admit that I am arrogant or doing anythign wrong here, ad that it is different than what you did to me in misrepresenting my argument.

Let me explain using an illustration. Please don’t' commit the common Internet fallacy of thinking this is about you personally, as its not. It's used as an illustration.

For the purposes of his illustration, I will use a Real argument I often hear, and I will be in the position you are with me in that I reject the Argument.

However, the distinction is in why I reject it, and more importantly, how.

There is a common “Atheist” argument we run into on the Internet routinely, and while I do not know if you use it, or have even heard it before, I do suspect you are familiar with it as it is a common one. If not though I will explain it as it is short.

The argument goes like this; People say they believe in an Afterlife, but deep down they really don't. If they did, then why would they be sad when Loved ones die? Even loved ones they say are in Heaven now? If they truly believed their loved ones were in heaven, wouldn’t the be happy?

Considering that people are in sorrow, and often deep sorrow, at the loss of Loved ones, it must mean that they don’t really believe in an afterlife, they just say they do to try to bring themselves comfort. But deep down,they know its not True.

As I said earlier, I reject this argument. However, I do not reject the argument for the same reason you reject me saying Atheists don't really lack belief. I actually accept the basic proposition that people can think they believe something they really don't, or tell themselves they believe something they don't really Truly believe in. To that end, I accept that it is fully possible that someone really doesn’t believe in any kind of an Afterlife but has convinced themselves that they do either in conformity to a Religion they hold to out of upbringing or culture, or simply because they don't want to admit that the people that have died simply no longer exist. It's entirely possible that this can be the case, and I'll go a step farther and admit that it is likely that fr some people this is exactly what happens. However, I do not believe it is accurate to say that anyone who feels sorrow at the loss of a loved one to death must not Truly believe they live on in some form elsewhere. Where I disagree with the argument is in its Universal application,and in its fault Logical Premise that sorrow at the death of someone indicates a belief that hey no longer exist. The entire argument presumes that the only Reason one would feel sorrow at the death of a Loved one is the belief that they ceased to exist. This is not the case, as it can just as readily be that they feel sorrow simply because they are separated from their Loved one.

Death is similar to any other separation, and we see sorrow all the Time in this life caused by separation where Death is not involved. For example, a Mother who see's her son Grow up and move to another State to attend college or for work may feel sorrow that her Son will no longer live near by. He is not dead, and will likely call her, and visit her, but he is still not going to be there. This may cause grief to befall the Mother. Granted, that sorrow is usually not as strong as he sorrow caused by Death, but in Death you don't get to visit the Loved one who died, or call them. You are completely cut off from them for potentially an extended period of Time. The sorrow caused by Death is the sorrow of nor being able to be around them or speak to them.

So, I do not accept the argument that people don't really believe in an afterlife, because it rests on a faulty assumption that sorrow can only be caused by believing their Loved ones no longer exist. But I do not reject the argument based on the Atheist saying someone doesn't believe what they believe, and the Atheist who makes the argument isn't even arguing that these people don't believe what hey believe. The argument is that they don't believe in an afterlife, but think they do. The argument is that it is a form of self deceit, in which the people accept the finality of Death and know there is no afterlife but refuse to admit this, perhaps even to themselves, even though they rally know its True.

I reject the claim that Atheism is a mere lack of belief in a god. You don't have to accept what I am saying, but I'm not saying you don't believe what you believe,I'm saying that it's a form of self deceit. (Which is not the same as abject dishonesty, please allow for some nuance here.) The only reason you say Atheism is a lack of belief is because your own Community has said it an it has become popular. If we were having this conversation in the 1980's it wouldn’t have even come up since Atheism wasn't understood even by Atheists as a mere lack of belief back then. The definition of Atheism as a lack of belief in gods only stared about 15-20 Years ago, and perhaps earlier as these things grow slowly sometimes. Atheists in the 1980's wrote books and essays and gave speeches just like today, but they openly declared Atheism as a belief that there was no god, they did not say it was a lack of belief in gods. Atheists like Issac Asimov, or Stephen Jay Gould, or Anthony Flew (Who si now a Deist I know, but we're discussing the 1980's) all have readily accessible materials discussing Atheism and stating that it is a belief, as did Earlier Generations of Atheists like Bertrand Russel, H. G. Wells, or Aldois Huxley. Indeed, even the Enlightenment Thinkers, like Deiderot, Rousseu, and Buffon. Atheist communities and fliers and meetings still have pamphlets one can occasionally find that describe Atheism in terms of belief, as opposed to lack of belief. It only became prominent to say Atheism is a lack of belief in gods around the turn of the century, and then only as a Polemic tool, but the idea of Atheism as a mere lack of belief has spread, and now people accept it as an integral aspect of Atheism and its defining feature, and understand themselves as living in that experience.

What I am actually arguing is that you have accepted this narrative, and it defines ho you understand the topic, but it's not the Reality even for you, it's just the Mythos of your own Community.

I am also not opposed to Atheists arguing that people do not believe in an afterlife on the grounds that they are telling people that what they believe is not what they believe, I oppose it because it is inherently locally flawed given the alternate reasons for sorrow, but what reason other than self identification do you have to illustrate that I am wrong about Atheism?

Its not that I'm dishonest or arrogant, I sincerely don't see Atheism as a lack of belief, and would need a convincing argument to change my Mind. A Convincing argument is not personal self reporting.


I completely understand your afterlife story. But it really doesn't relate in any way to our conversation. There is a completely valid reason for rejecting that position, one that you have illustrated (and which I have argued before, myself. I'm in complete agreement).

You do not have a valid reason for telling me that I am deluded. I have given you a completely reasonable position that you will not address.

The only reason you say Atheism is a lack of belief is because your own Community has said it an it has become popular. If we were having this conversation in the 1980's it wouldn’t have even come up since Atheism wasn't understood even by Atheists as a mere lack of belief back then. The definition of Atheism as a lack of belief in gods only stared about 15-20 Years ago, and perhaps earlier as these things grow slowly sometimes. Atheists in the 1980's wrote books and essays and gave speeches just like today, but they openly declared Atheism as a belief that there was no god, they did not say it was a lack of belief in gods. Atheists like Issac Asimov, or Stephen Jay Gould, or Anthony Flew (Who si now a Deist I know, but we're discussing the 1980's) all have readily accessible materials discussing Atheism and stating that it is a belief, as did Earlier Generations of Atheists like Bertrand Russel, H. G. Wells, or Aldois Huxley. Indeed, even the Enlightenment Thinkers, like Deiderot, Rousseu, and Buffon. Atheist communities and fliers and meetings still have pamphlets one can occasionally find that describe Atheism in terms of belief, as opposed to lack of belief. It only became prominent to say Atheism is a lack of belief in gods around the turn of the century, and then only as a Polemic tool, but the idea of Atheism as a mere lack of belief has spread, and now people accept it as an integral aspect of Atheism and its defining feature, and understand themselves as living in that experience.

No. I am not part of an atheist community. I have never attended a meeting or a society, I do not read books about atheism. Ever. I've no doubt that you have encountered people who fall into this box you want to place me in, but they are not me and I don't care what they think. It does not alter my position, one which I have held for my entire adult life.

When it comes to the existence of god, I believe there is only one logical, reasonable position to take: "I don't know". This is what I have been saying all along, and you have never bothered to explain why you think it is acceptable to tell me that I am deluded. It is arrogant. And dismissive. Do you refuse to accept my position because you have no argument against it?

What I am actually arguing is that you have accepted this narrative, and it defines ho you understand the topic, but it's not the Reality even for you, it's just the Mythos of your own Community.

You find it necessary to declare not only my beliefs, but also my membership in a community... one in which I do not participate.

Its not that I'm dishonest or arrogant, I sincerely don't see Atheism as a lack of belief, and would need a convincing argument to change my Mind. A Convincing argument is not personal self reporting.

An even less convincing argument is you reporting what I believe. I do not need to input of other atheists to decide on my own beliefs. All I need is to exist in the world. There is no credible evidence for god. There is no credible evidence against god. There is evidence against the veracity of much scripture, but that's rather immaterial to the existence of a higher being. My point is, you keep insisting that I must have reached a conclusion either for or against the existence of god and you are wrong.

Now, either tell me why it is impossible for me to not know one way or the other, or admit that you've just been putting words in my mouth to make it easier to pigeonhole me.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


What I'm sayign is, the definition fo Atheism was never "Lack of beelfi in a god", and Modern Atheist ebgan usign thatd eifnition fairly recently as a Polemic tool. its mroe the iodea of it beign a mere lack of beeif than the Reality thatpropesl it as well.

Lsck of belefi makes no sense giventhat the peoepl who alledgely lack beleif udnrstand the ocnceopt, and still have to do soemthgin withthe concept. Mins do nto allow vaccumes. You have to categorise God somehow.

You either acep thatGdo is real, or you think he is not Real, or you are uncertain. Hwoever, sicn the idea is there, you have to do soemthign with it, reach soem conclusion, and you cna't merley lack beelif, as lack of beelfi is lack of any sort of toguth abotu it at all. COncepts ae THoguths, the concept of God is thede, you have to dosoemthign with that concept.


Sayng I`m not too smart beczue I say somethign is cute and all but, dn`t you think it`d have been better to provide Reasons why I`m acually wrong other than just mockin ehat I`ve said?

I did explain why lack of belief is impossible.

I also didnt use the term "Active disbeleif".

I also didnt say lack of beleif was impossible. I said lack of belief is impossible once a concept is introduced.

To illustrate what I actually mean, if John Smith has never met or heard of Peter Jones, then he lacks belief in Peter Jones. So, lack of beelif is possible. However, if Michael Evers tells John Smith about Peter Jones, then John Smith has to decide if Peter Jones really exists.

Most peopel will asume that the person exists in most instances, but in some caes, they may descide that Peter Jones is fictional. Maybe Michael Evers is delusional and has a History of talking about thigns that don't really exist? Or perhaps he's a conman and John Smith knows this, and dobts his word for fear of being decieved.

Still, John Smith has a choice; he can accept that Peter Jones is a real man, or he can beleive that peter ons does not exist, and is a fictional creation of Michael Evers.

The one thign he cannot do is to lack beleif in Peter Jones. The idea of Peter Jones is in his head, and his Mind has to proccess the information, and fit it into how John Smith see's the world. John Smith can't just lack beleif in Peter Jones, because he needs to assign the Data regarding Peter Jones to some mental category so he can act on it lster, or even now, and this will determine how he approaches anythign to do with Peter Jones.

So, as you can see from my example, I am not saying "Simpel lack of beelif is absolutley impossible", what I'm saying is that peopel who actually call themselves Atheists can't merley lack beleif since they have a concept of what God is supposed to be, and have chosen to reject that concept.

If someone has literally no concept of God, then that person does, in fact, lack beelif. However, that person does not go abotu makign arguments that say God does not exist. That person simply doesn't hav any concept of God at all.

Once you introduce the concept of God into soemones Mind, that person has to choose what to make of the concept.

So, you are wrong abotu what my position is.

Bu then, misrepresentign my position is commonplace. I really don't expect hoensty from an Online Atheist who wantsd to down Religion.

Just like I don't expect my current explanation to relaly be listened to.


I never said you were stupid, I said the way you refuse to do any spell checking/proof reading makes you appear uneducated. Because as I've said three times now, its distracting from the "message" you are portraying. And no I go into debates with an open mind, I've changed my stance many times when the evidence is compelling.

I understand and have READ what you've said. I still don't find it compelling, words meaning DO change when a large enough consensus agrees on the said words new definition. Look at the word F@g for instance, since its inception its changed MANY times. This goes the same for Atheism's definition. But this requires more than one person for it to work. Imagine this scenario for instance. A person from the 1500's use's the word f@g. He's using the 1500's meaning: "to tire, decline, or droop." He's using the old outdated meaning, much like your old and outdated meaning of Atheist.

Ok let me add on to your example of "lack of belief thing." Because its wrong, its not that John Smith lacks in belief of Peter Jones, he has no knowledge of Peter Jones. Knowledge and belief are two completely different things. Now let me add to your concept. Lets say that Michael Evers is a compulsive liar and John knows this. Making Michaels word much easier to dismiss. And just because the concept of Peter exists in Johns mind doesn't mean he can't lack belief in him. Especially if the person who told him so is a compulsive liar. "Absolute lack of belief" IS possible. For instance, I ABSOLUTELY lack belief that there are invisible purple unicorns running around my room. I ABSOLUTELY lack belief that you have a compelling argument.

Also you are literally putting words in my mouth and saying I've said things I haven't. I haven't misinterpreted your position, it's just not a compelling position. I haven't even mentioned your position in the past, so congratulations for making stuff up. Also who is making assumptions about who's position now:

"Bu then, misrepresentign my position is commonplace. I really don't expect hoensty from an Online Atheist who wantsd to down Religion."

I don't want to down religion, I know that some people need it. I don't care what people do behind closed doors. What I want to down is religion that is harming the public. I want to down the intolerance it brings on gay marriage and the like. So good job, you've proven your an ass who will make assumptions because people don't agree with you. While also making statements about said person that are untrue. Who's honest now?

This will be my last message to you. As I've stated it would be and is, a waste of my time to continue this discussion. Especially with someone who will dishonestly put words in others mouth.


by failesmichael -

I never said you were stupid, I said the way you refuse to do any spell checking/proof reading makes you appear uneducated. Because as I've said three times now, its distracting from the "message" you are portraying. And no I go into debates with an open mind, I've changed my stance many times when the evidence is compelling.

You may not have said I was stupid, but Hadmatter did, and you're replyign to a post I left him.

Still, I'll reply.

But you know why my spellign is as it is. There is no Logical reason to brign it back up.

With that said, I've changed my position too, but that doesn't mean much as I'm routinely called closed minded or stubborn. You did that go me, recall.

The reason I dont' think your open minded on this topic is because of how you have approached it. If I am wrong, then show me thaty by addressign the topic honestly. That doens't mean you have to agree with me to shwo you are open minded, but at leats entertain the thought that I am right and accept what I say for the sake of argument, then offer a Reason why ts not. Just dismissing it is rather not compellign in its own Right, and no mater how open Midned you aay you are, you ma still suffer Biases you need to overcome. This is True of us all, so don't take that personally.

I understand and have READ what you've said. I still don't find it compelling, words meaning DO change when a large enough consensus agrees on the said words new definition.

Earlier, you accused me of redefinign terms just to suit my arguments. Well, that's the problem I have wth definign Atheism as a Lack of beleif in gods.

If the only Reason Atheism is defined as a lack of beleif in gods is to use it as a Polemic tool for debates, then why shoudl I accept this Definition as Valid? The Atheists who tell me that Atheism is a mere lack of belefin gods don't themslves use the term to actually mean that, they are only tellign me this is its definition.

The Truth is, virtually all of the Atheists who tell me Atheism is a mere Lack of Beleif also tell me that God does not exist, either in those words, or by usign other words like "God is a FIcional Character" or "GOd is a Myth' or "God is a Fairy Tale".

They want to State as a fact that God doe snot exist, only to then say they merley lack beleif. That's not consistent.

Or look at peopel who use Arguments ot try to prove that God doens't exist, or at leats shwo that God's existence is unlikely. Aythign from Dawkisn Ultimate 747, to Dan Barkers FANG Argument prove my point. If you activley Argue that God does not exist, or as Dawkisn says, most likely doens't eist, then how is that a mere lack of beleif? In roder to make an Argumetn you have to take a position. Lack of beelif is still not possible.

And then there's the position Hadmatter misreprsented from me.

Once you havd been intorduced to a COncept, your Midn has to proccess the COncept. WHile I am not arguin that it is uttelry impossibel to lack beelif in soemthing, and only active disbeleif is possible, as Hadmatter said I did, I am arguign that once you have a conceopt about soemthing you have to do somethign with the conceopt.

If someone calls themselves an Atheist, they have to underdtand what a god is suppsoed to be, and decide they do not beleive this god to be Real.

Lack of eleif is impossible since lakc of beelif means your Midn has no OCncept of the tign you lack beelfi in. It is empty where that thign is concerned. If someone Lacks beleif in a god, they lack any real thoughts abotu a god. Atheists define themselves as Atheists, meanign they do have a concept they are reactign to. Merely beign an Atheist means you have such a Concept.

That's he point. Once an idea is introduced, you can beleive the iea is True, reject the idea as False, or not be certain fo the idea, but your Midn has to procvccess the information, you cannot simply "Lack beleif". You have to make some kidn fo Determination about it.

So it doens't matter that words change definitions, what matters is if the Definition is accurate to the object we are discussing, and he idea of Atheism as a Lack of beleif in a god is not.

Look at the word F@g for instance, since its inception its changed MANY times. This goes the same for Atheism's definition. But this requires more than one person for it to work. Imagine this scenario for instance. A person from the 1500's use's the word f@g. He's using the 1500's meaning: "to tire, decline, or droop." He's using the old outdated meaning, much like your old and outdated meaning of Atheist.

At the same Time, if the New Definition makes no sense, it can be challwenged. In fact, if the New Definition contradicts the way the word is actually used, then the Definition must be challenged.

I challenge the idea of Atheism as a Lack of belef in gods because its logiclaly inconsistent internally, and not consistent with how the word is actually used even by those who define it as such.

Ok let me add on to your example of "lack of belief thing." Because its wrong, its not that John Smith lacks in belief of Peter Jones, he has no knowledge of Peter Jones.

That's kind of my point. A True lack of beleif requires lack of Knowledge. Once a concept is intorduced, the Human Mind has to categorise the COncept.

The Reason Athrism cannot be a lack of Beleif in a god is because the Atheist still has a concept fo what a god is supposed to be, and has decided that this god does not really exist. Lack of beleif is only possible when the concept is abscent.

But if th concept were abscent, then the Man who lacks belefi in a god woudl not call himelf an Atheist because the term "Theist" woudl have no meanign to him.

Knowledge and belief are two completely different things.

Actually, they aren't.

While I am not sayhing Knowledge and beleif are the same thing, they aren't completley diferent either.

A beleif is anythign you think is True. Knowledge is accumulaed information you gather over TIme. Every beleif you have is based on acucmulated information, so our beleifs stem from our knowledge.

Even if we have gotten ou conclusions wrong, or have been given misleadign or false information, our beelifs still stem from it,.

Kbnowelge and beleif ar thus related. In fact, beleifs are contengent on Knowledge.

Now let me add to your concept. Lets say that Michael Evers is a compulsive liar and John knows this. Making Michaels word much easier to dismiss. And just because the concept of Peter exists in Johns mind doesn't mean he can't lack belief in him. Especially if the person who told him so is a compulsive liar. "Absolute lack of belief" IS possible. For instance, I ABSOLUTELY lack belief that there are invisible purple unicorns running around my room. I ABSOLUTELY lack belief that you have a compelling argument.

The problem is, your "Absolute lack of beleif" is really a beleif that these thingss are not True. You can just as easly say you beleive there is no invisible purple Unicorn. In fact, that woudl be mroe accurate.

If you think the Invisibkle Propel Unicorn is not Real, then you do not Lack beleif in the Invisible purple Unicorn, you have descided the Invisible Purple Unicorn is fictitious.

The same applies to God, or even to me. You have descided that God does not exist. That is a beleif. That is not a lack of beleif.

That's kind of my point.

AN Atheist is not somone who merley lacks beleif in a god, an Atheist is someone who has descided that God does not exist.

Just like you have descided the Invisible Purple Univcorn does not exist.

Also you are literally putting words in my mouth and saying I've said things I haven't.

That's a misunderstanding on your part. The post you are replying to is Hadmatters, not yours, an he did say these things.

I haven't misinterpreted your position, it's just not a compelling position.

Hadmatter misrepresented me when he said I laiemd that lack of beelif was utterly impossible, only active disbeleif is.

Though you did misrepesent me when you claimd I said Atheism is itself a Religion.

I haven't even mentioned your position in the past, so congratulations for making stuff up. Also who is making assumptions about who's position now:

Again, re-read Hadmatters post, and understand this post was a eply to his.

"Bu then, misrepresentign my position is commonplace. I really don't expect hoensty from an Online Atheist who wantsd to down Religion."

I don't want to down religion, I know that some people need it. I don't care what people do behind closed doors. What I want to down is religion that is harming the public. I want to down the intolerance it brings on gay marriage and the like. So good job, you've proven your an ass who will make assumptions because people don't agree with you. While also making statements about said person that are untrue. Who's honest now?

Well, given how you seem to have mistaken whose post I was replying to, you may want to rethink you position on things a bit.

By the way, the idea of "Religion harmkng the public" is another problem I have with yoru pwn position. Religion doesnt oppsoe anything, or suppot anything. One of the biggest problems in a debate between Atheism and Religion, and oen of the reasons I reject the silly dichotomy anyway, is how Religion si treated as this one big entity all religious peopel follow. No one follows Religion, though. Peopel follow diffeent Religions. Some peopel are Christians, others are Buddists or Hindus or Shinto, but no oen follows "Religion".

Heck, not even all Christians oppsoe same sex marriage, or anythign else you could list.

Then there's the problem of your oen position not beogn religious. Religion brigns puiblic harm becaue Religion oppsoes yoru social values as an Atheist. Well, from my vantage point, what you're really saign is, society shoudl emrbace your values and beelifs, and all public policies shoudl be based on what youthink ir moral or right. if a Religiosu person objects, they should keep it to themselves behidn cloed doors and have no say in how heir society works.

That undermines any claim to tolerance. Religious peopel dont think of their Reliion in the same way you do. They think of thei religion as Reality. By askign them to hide thei Relgiion behidn closed doors and emrbace the Secular, compelltey nonreligiosu valies you hold to, your in effect tellign them to embrace yoru Religion. You see it as different. You see them as Religiosu and yoruself as Secular, and not Religiosu at all, they see it as you imposing your beelifs onto them and forcign them to comply.

You really aren't tolerant as a result. Peopel have to sumbit to how you think the world works and how you think society shodul wormk, withotu haing a day base don what they Truly beleive in.

How is that promotign tolerance and understanding?

This will be my last message to you. As I've stated it would be and is, a waste of my time to continue this discussion. Especially with someone who will dishonestly put words in others mouth.

Pity then, as that's a complete misunderstandign on yoru part.


" You may not have said I was stupid, but Hadmatter did"

No, I didn't. You were honest about my words once, why start lying now?

"If the only Reason Atheism is defined as a lack of beleif in gods is to use it as a Polemic tool for debates, then why shoudl I accept this Definition as Valid? The Atheists who tell me that Atheism is a mere lack of belefin gods don't themslves use the term to actually mean that, they are only tellign me this is its definition.

The Truth is, virtually all of the Atheists who tell me Atheism is a mere Lack of Beleif also tell me that God does not exist, either in those words, or by usign other words like "God is a FIcional Character" or "GOd is a Myth' or "God is a Fairy Tale".

They want to State as a fact that God doe snot exist, only to then say they merley lack beleif. That's not consistent."

I don't. And even in your sweeping generalization, you're at least honest enough to use the word "virtually", so some part of you must realize that you're trying to sidestep the fact that there are atheists who simple lack belief and make no positive claim

" Hadmatter misrepresented me when he said I laiemd that lack of beelif was utterly impossible,"

You have expressed this same sentiment multiple times in this post alone.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


Hadmatter, here is what you said.

Zarove is famous for insisting that anything you can call a "worldview" or "belief system" is actually a "religion". He will do this everything.

But, he also just said it was "impossible" to simply lack a belief in gods and to not actively disbelieve in them, so you know the kid isn't too smart.

Sayign I am not too smart is sayign that I am stupid and its a semantic to say otherwise.

Also, I'm not sidesteppijn the fac tthat soem Athists merley lack beleif, Im acknowledign that soem dont direclty say "There is no God". That doesnt alter my point abotu hwo the Human Kidn works though.


Sayign I am not too smart is sayign that I am stupid and its a semantic to say otherwise.

No, it isn't. Just as saying "not too hot" isn't the same thing as saying "frozen". They are different.

Also, I'm not sidesteppijn the fac tthat soem Athists merley lack beleif, Im acknowledign that soem dont direclty say "There is no God". That doesnt alter my point abotu hwo the Human Kidn works though.

You wrote the following:

"The Atheists who tell me that Atheism is a mere lack of belefin gods don't themslves use the term to actually mean that, they are only tellign me this is its definition."

See? You're only acknowledging that some atheists say it, then you go on to assert that they do not actually mean it.

Just as you have been doing with me in PM, you are attempting to dictate my position, and the position of all atheists who say the same thing.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


You're beign semantic.

when you said I was not too Briht the lesr emanig si that Im stupid. Lets nto play that game.

Also, Im nto dictatign yoruposition, I'm sayign your position is wrong. I'm sayign thatyou have bouht into an incorect perception fo yoruself and Atheism.

You seem to think that a position taken in a discussionsi the same as ones True beleifs.


Zarove..don't make the excuse that you're 'dyslexic'. You simply can't type! You're bashing out these ranting responses and hitting 'post' before reading back over what you've written and seeing all the sodding typos! 'Dyslexic', my sas!


He actually is dyslexic, but he has always refused to even use spellcheck. He is not terribly concerned with effective communication.

I am the sod-off shotgun.


Where is the hollywood films bashing atheism? I fail to see any. Plenty of anti Christian and anti Muslim films of course.


Well there is nothing to bash...


There is plenty to bash when it comes to western atheist pseudo science which remains to this day a set of unproven theories. Most of the world is religious btw and seems to be doing far better in terms of economic, financial, and gdp growth compared to atheistic neo liberal nations in the white west.


That is not true. Scandinavian countries are some of the most atheist countries in the world and they are doing very well. The USA is extremely religious in terms of overall population, and because of that there are many social and economic problems. Atheism has nothing to do with pseudo science, or any science for that matter, it is simply the opposite of theism. We just don't subscribe to the idea of a creator/intelligent designer controlling the Universe. Physicists, chemists, engineers, etc...can be atheists or theists.


Scandanavian nations r drowing in welfare they can't pay for all the while the religious immigrant population is slowly but surely outbreeding the native population so if anything that region will only become more religious as time goes by and its natives start to become minorities.

Atheist logic is based on a set of western created theories that many scientists outside the west have already dismissed as lacking in hard evidence. Also for all ur talk there is so many things in this world that so called superior western logic can't explain such as the origins of dark matter.


You are misinformed, and I would continue arguing with you, but I have learned over the years that it is pointless.


If u actually bothered to wipe off the yoke of anti religious western propaganda and actually looked up what ive mentioned u would know its true but i know u won't because like a typical white western atheist ur to much of an intellectual racist as well as arrogant to accept the fact that most of the world sees through the outdated theories for the anti religious zionist propaganda that it is.


Atheist logic

No such thing. Logic is neither theist nor atheist.

Atheist logic is based on a set of western created theories that many scientists outside the west have already dismissed as lacking in hard evidence.

Yet you can offer no explanation as to what you think "atheist logic" means, what these theories are, or what evidence is lacking.

Also for all ur talk there is so many things in this world that so called superior western logic can't explain such as the origins of dark matter.

So what? Nobody has explained the origins of dark matter - western or eastern, theist or atheist. So what is your point?

I am the sod-off shotgun.


Why r u trying to change the subject by putting such emphasis on me saying atheist logic? Ya know why i don't offer an explanation is because in the eyes of much of the non western world it doesn't need one.

And if ur beloved zionist funded scientists don't have the answers for dark matter energy then who the hell r they much less u to tell me there is no god?


I didn't change the subject, I merely pointed out that you're making claims you can't support. Your claims ARE the subject, and you make them without evidence. The reason you offer no evidence is because you have NO EVIDENCE. You're a cartoon.

" And if ur beloved zionist funded scientists don't have the answers for dark matter energy then who the hell r they much less u to tell me there is no god?"

Science makes NO CLAIM regarding the existence of god, you lying sack, and dark matter has NOTHING to do with the subject. At all.

I am the sod-off shotgun.



Yes, when people are motivated by religion to behave badly, they deserve criticism. And sometimes religious people are amazingly whiny when someone criticizes their religion. As a hard-core atheist and anti-theist, however, I never attack someone personally for merely for holding irrational opinions they don't act on. One gets a lot further and avoids committing several logical fallacies by attacking their ideas directly.
