Actually i see nothing wrong with that ad to the comedy if she wake up in the body of a serial killer, and the performance of Vince was kinda of funny
What really annoy me (and i dont know if im alone in this) was the scene with the kid who is in love of the girl (i dont remember the name of the character) and Vince vaughn in the car and they are having a kind of romantic moment i believe they almost kiss or even kissed each other and something the kid say like; really doesnt matter how she looks he still love her even if she is a men now he still is atracted to her i dont know is this creep idea so popular in movies lately that gender doesn't matter and there are not diferences between men and woman and everyting is a social construct that idea is just stupid if that kid is straight he are not going to kiss Vince Vaughn because straight people are not atracted to people of their own gender the same way a gay men is not going to feel atraction to a woman
Those kind of moments are starting to ruin movies for me ¿why is ok show a teen kissing an 50's years old men?