MovieChat Forums > Lone Survivor (2014) Discussion > Those 3 men are heroes but...

Those 3 men are heroes but...

When I watched this move something about the way they were portrayed just rubbed me the wrong way. I didn't know much about Operation Red Wings (other than Murphy winning the Medal of Honor from it). Realizing that with Lutrell being the only survivor and therefore his version being the only one of the events we get to here I started to more research. It just seemed like some of the things in the movie were him projecting onto the other guys and he was just made out to be too much of a white knight and the even Murphy turned to for advice. Then I found out that his version of events keeps changing based on where he tells it (the bigger the stage or the dumber the audience (militarily wise) the grander the tale. That's the hallmarks of a liar and if he's lying about his story then why is he lying?

His actions since those events kind of rubbed me the wrong way too. You never really heard of Special Forces members going for glory like this until the War on Terror and Lutrell was probably the worst offender until the Bin Laden guys and Kyle. I came across this site which compiles all the facts and Lutrell's lies from his book and since (based on after action reports among other things).

I think his worse sin though is the way he's treated the guy from the village that has risked his and his family's lives to save Luttrell's.

I no longer know who I am and I feel like the ghost of a total stranger.


I didn't visit your sites...mostly because I'm lazy but I tend to agree with your statement.

The fact is, this movie and his book is nothing more than one person's account of what may, or most likely, may not have ever happened.

I have seen Lutrell speak on two different television shows where he gave statements that directly contradicts what was is his book.

I am well aware that Hollywood takes great liberties in making movies and Lutrell may not have been able to stop that however, Lutrell can and did control what went in his book.

This guy can't seem to remember what he told one person to the next.

If you tell the truth, you never have to remember what you told the last guy.


A hallmark of a bad liar almost a pathological in its origin is that they cannot stop themselves. It's a pathological need to make it bigger and grander each time. If it were just him I wouldn't care but look at all those deceased soldiers who need and deserve some respect after what they went through and they cannot defend themselves if need ne. What's really screwy is how he had all three 'vote' to kill and /or leave the hostages and he the only one with a conscience to let them go come what may and in the end he's the lone survivor as a recipient of collecting his good deed of forgiveness, blind karmic faith that others apparently lacked which got them killed, karmic like and dramatic.


Yeah, I commented on the "vote" issue on another thread...

I've been in law enforcement 28 years and to compare the two in combat situations is silly however the two do share a similarity and that is a clear cut chain of command.

You have team leaders or supervisors for a make decisions. There are no votes where majority wins when the situation gets dicey.

I would rather that one of my guys make the wrong decision on the street than make no decision at all...or leave it up to a vote.


I worked in a physical rehab dept for many years. When I saw him give an interview, he seemed slightly brain damaged to me, which is understandable. I wonder if that is a contributing factor.

šŸˆ Rachel
