The 40x53 is designed to operate a blowback system so there is far more boom in the casing. The tube would expand with the pressure, it would be catastrophic to the weapon and its debatable on whether the shooter would survive. I have worked a lot with the MK19, Ive seen idiots try to put MK19 rounds in M79s and 203s and they aren't going to fit. Not sure if its by design or if its coincidental.
I've seen the Mk19 and it looks like the 40x53mm rounds that are on a disintegrating metallic link-fed and have been told they are hard to take them off the link. If the 40x53mm is a operating on a blow back system how have some idiots been allowed to put a Mk19 40mm round in either a M79 (which we haven't used since Vietnam) or a M203?
I'm surprised you still use the M79 and more surprised those idiots still have hands and didn't get chewed out...
Still speaking of the 40mm have you seen the (M406) High-Explosive Round pierce armour? I didn't realise that it was actually first used by the US Navy on patrol craft (now SOC-R) MOD 1 then MOD 2 in 1973 then the Army MOD 3 in 1983.
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