kid's movie?

I guess so according to an IMDB review.

kfesporp6 July 2020
We liked it as a family Everyone in my family liked this movie, me, wifeand kids, ages 13, 11 and 9. A couple of inappropriate sexual parts, mainly at beginning so easy to skip past or talk over. We watched from home but would def go to theater for sequel. It is hard to find movies that we can enjoy as adults and we are okay with kids watching. I see there are poor reviews but it is a fun sexy movie we thought. Loved the girl power because she is a given a choice and she makes one. I don't know why it is lower reviewed but society does seem to put down female empowerment movies, especially when they are more sexy rather than fulfilling cliche mainstream stuff. Anyway, we would recommend and will watch again.
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what kind of psychopath watches this movie with his kids...?!!!?!!?


Part 2 is out. Time to take family to cinema, no?


IMHO talking over it is not enough and sometimes i'm not quick enough with the remote control so i keep a blanket handy on the couch and due to playing tennis 1 summer as a teen i can easily spring to my feet and hold the blanket in front of the TV monitor to mask the inappropriate scenes and i have my wife sing a christmas carol instead of muting it in case we left the remote control in the other room
