MovieChat Forums > Missing (2023) Discussion > Very good movie. SPOILERS

Very good movie. SPOILERS

....I just wish it wasn’t racist. Woke Hollywood keep tries to push the narrative "Whites are irredeemable and evil. All minorities are noble and helpful".

This movie was very "diverse". In a rare occasion they add two Asian characters to black main cast. And there was exactly one white man in this movie who... you guessed it... was villain. Its almost comical at this moment. They could have make daddy light skinned black man. And have blacks sort their problems. And not be racist. But nope - they made him white. To push their agenda. And not kill black man and show him being such abusive jerk I assume.

And there was even more hilarious moment when they tried to pretend that mommy might be shady herself. But we knew 101% that she wont be since she is black woman and there is no way they will make black person villain. So it was red herring.

And there was white woman, friend of mommy. Basically two white people in the movie. And I was shocked they didnt make her villain too. I guess she got pass on "oppressed women" card or they didnt figure out how to insert her into villains plan. Or script was already written and then casting happened. And they could have hire as a friend black actress. But decided not. Maybe they thought they need whites because the no one will watch or something. They obviously couldn't make good detective white guy.

Movie itself was actually very good. I enjoyed it.


I mean as some one who doesn't even reside in the US, I never even noticed the race angle. You are reading too much into it. US being a multicultural country, you are bound to encounter people from all ethnicities.


Nah. You dont know woketards :) It was deliberate. that white dude was made a villain for a reason.


You sound like a complete idiot. First of all, you're the only one making a racial issue out of this film. The film dosen't deal with any racial issues whatsoever. And this was an indie film----if Missing was a Hollywood film, I guarantee you most of those characters would have been white----that's a damn fact, not fiction. At least 98% of films that come out of Hollywood are mainly headed by white men, but yet your silly whiny ass complains about the ONE movie you're seen this year in which white people are not the leads? Just shut the hell up, please. You don't know what the hell you're talking about.

Having a diverse cast is not "racist" at all. Making a film "diverse" simply means to have a film in which more than just white people are represented. Since white people are 98% of the people in Hollywood films, you don't have a damn thing to complain about. You're the one who sounds like a damn racist whining about it. Look up the term "racist" please. And look up the term "diverse", too, since you don't seem to know what the hell either term means. Black people or people of color in general rarely saw themselves depicted onscreen in a way that wasn't blatantly racist or a negative stereotype for most of the history of film---it's only been in the last 55 years that black people got into Hollywood and started directing and producing films. As a black person, I enjoyed seeing people who look like me, as well as other people of color, onscreen being the main characters and the heroes for a change. And, Hollywood still puts mainly white men in leads, since it's still run by mainly white men anyway, according to these latest stats:


White guys are also the villains in the same Hollywood films in which white guys are also the heroes, so what the hell is your point? You haven't even got one, so just shut up, please. And I am so sick of fools like you throwing around the term "woke" for anything you don't like having to do with race, when you don't even know what the hell it means. "Woke", which is a term originated by African-Americans decades ago, simply means to be aware of social injustice going on around you, and in the world. Originally, AAs would say, "Stay woke", which meant basically the same thing. The right-wing has stolen and hijacked the term "woke", using it as a catch-all phrase for anything and anybody they don't like or hate---it's pretty damn disgusting how they're twisted the term around to make it mean something it dosen't even mean.


You ARE a complete idiot. It was the college left that stole "woke" from negros. When sane people realized what "woke" now meant, it became a derogatory term.


You are so naive that I almost feel sorry for you. You live in your little echo-chamber and have no idea what is happening in the world.

White guys are also the villains in the same Hollywood films in which white guys are also the heroes, so what the hell is your point?

Did you even watch this movie? Good guys here were black mother and her mixed race daughter. Villain was white father of that daughter and ex-husband of that black mother. And it was done deliberately. They could have make father black and have black family sort out their problems. But they inserted white guy as villain there. Because they didnt want to make black guy villain.


The reality is, interracial families are a reality in the U.S. They're no big deal anymore. Also, you are literally the only one hung up on the fact that the white guy is a villain in this story. Get the hell over yourself, please. I also get the impression from how you write that you're not even from the U.S.----which is why you're so hung up over the fact that the black characters weren't the villains in the film. I already explained that this is an indie movie, not a Hollywood film---if it was, the majority of the characters would have been white. The movie is what it is. If you didn't like it, you're free to watch something else. Stop whining about something that is not even a damn problem for anybody but you. You're the one all ticked off about the white guy being a villain. No one else gives a fck, so just stfu, please.
