Better than expected

I watched this movie because I turned on the TV and saw Eric, who I know as Vaughn from Community and the little brother from the loop.

I continued watching until I realized what it was I was watching. After being somewhat ammused I decided to give the rest of the movie a chance.

The movie is full of cliches and stereotypes, but it was one of the funiier cliche movies I have seen in awhile.

The lines given back and forth between the main characters were hilarious.

I reccomend for anyone who is bored one day and wants some cheap laughs


That's how I found it. Up late last nite and I caught it almost from the beginning and I recognized that girl from Even Stevens (even tho I just looked that up, I KNEW I saw that actress but couldn't place her). Then I started getting mildly amused, and sometimes laughed out loud. It held me to the end anyway. I'm just sayin'.


**Skin that Smokewagon and see what happens!** Tombstone


I saw this today on TV. At first I thought it was another one of them stupid comedy movies on Comedy Central. But guess I was wrong.


Agreed. I didn't expect to like this at all. I too caught it on TV. I had it on TV for a few minutes and a few of the jokes grabbed my attention, so I watched the whole thing and ended up laughing my ass off; at Dr. Rick in-particular.

Visit my movie review site!


100% agree. This is one of the few times where the movie is so much better than the trailer suggests. The two leads have some really great reactions.

Am I the messiah? I don't know, I could be, I'm not ruling it out.


It was OK if you're bored. Passable. I think its current rating is justified.

- Gothamite #4

I've learned that it's OK to be flawed - Winona Ryder


Absolutely. The two leads make it as funny as it is. This movie has a bad rep, but for what it is, they make it pretty funny.
