MovieChat Forums > Eddie the Eagle (2016) Discussion > Can any Norwegians translate the actual ...

Can any Norwegians translate the actual Norwegian dialogue?

In the sauna scene, the subs ignore Björn's first sentence, then falsely attribute the words "Stupid Englishman." to him, rather than to the other guy, and then (I think) completely ignore what Björn says after that, claiming he says "I bet, he's dead by the weekend."

It sounds like Björn makes fun of Eddie for leaving the sauna so soon and then asks the other guy if he remembered to do something.

Any help?

Just curious.


I can probably tell you when the film actually hits the cinemas here in Norway. Stay tuned...


Thanks a lot, that'd be great.



Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for your help.

I figured it wasn't anything important. Otherwise they would've subbed them properly.
I found it strange, though, that they would have Norwegians crack a joke - and then not even bother translating it. Either the actors were told "just say anything, we'll deal with it in post production", or their dialogue was in the script and later scrapped, thinking it might not sit well with whatever audience they expected would watch this film...

Anyway, thanks again for clearing it up.
