What happened to the parents?

It really doesn't matter, but was it ever said how the parents died? I assume it was a car accident, but can't remember it ever being said.

This would have been a hilarious signature, but I used all of my wit for my biography.


The Duke, still distraught many years later and growing ever more despondent by his son's betrayal, sought to restore their family honor by means of a desperate, fiendish plot of deception, fraud, and murder most foul. He began by hiring a man of such notorious reputation, suspicious motives and ill temperament who might best enact the dastardly plot to bring his son home, a man known only as The Macaw.

Years earlier during a safari on the Serengeti, the Duke's hunting party had suffered numerous missteps, leaving them without supplies or defense, to seek shelter in a small town of Kizengi in the Tabora region. Local militants were unwelcoming to say the least, and a fire fight quickly sprang up between the Duke's hunting party and the local war lord Kabunga. All of his fellow huntsman were picked off one-by-one, leaving only the Duke and his lifelong friend, the Earl of Bournemouth.

Having suffered a fatal wound, the Earl begged his friend to not leave him to suffer at the hands of the savages, and with regret on his face, the Duke made a solemn, noble promise, and took his fiend's life with a single shot. Determined to not surrender, the Duke then prepared himself for a last charge when a solitary figure appeared and cut down all of Kabunga's men in seconds.

Bewildered and aghast at the mayhem, the Duke could not speak, yet managed to whimper "What... what have you done? Who are you?" The man answered plainly, "I am a defender of the realm and the British crown and her nobility. You may call me The Macaw. Never hesitate should you ever require my services." And left the Duke with an envelope containing a simple address, one that would turn out to be a postal box in Greater London.

It was this postal box where the Duke deposited a simple note, a note which read only: Require your services. The Duke of Castlebury. Meanwhile in Buffalo, the Duke's son and his American wife were shopping for Christmas presents when a drunk driver collided with them head-on, killing them instantaneously and leaving their children in the care of their aunt Jules. As news reached the Duke of this unforeseen tragedy, he canceled his meeting with The Macaw, and called upon his manservant Paisley Winterbottom to retrieve his grandchildren.

And I believe you know the rest.


PepeSilvia, that's... amazing. You should have written this movie, maybe it'd have been a bit better.

"He's already attracted to her. Time and monotony will do the rest."


I was thinking the same thing.

The read the script and jumped off a bridge rather than be associated with this production. ;)


I came here looking for an answer too. This is an amazing pre-quel.

If we can save humanity, we become the caretakers of the world


