Outrage erupts over abuse of He-Man



Maybe you should consider moving on with your life at some point?


Maybe you should ligma


Doomcock, the guy who been saying Kathleen Kennedy is going be fired at any moment for the last 5 years. Im not a fan of hers. But come on. Plus All his sources always seem to be wrong all the god damn time. He talks on and on about respecting the characters. While he tripped all over himself to suck on Zack Snyder dick to support the Snyder Cut. A movie where Superman Lazers someone face off and wonder women chops the guys head off. That not Superman or Wonder Women, Doomcock. It just proves that he will do anything for clicks. In fact all the Clickbait Youtube Channels road Snyder dick, which means there all full of shit. Its not about respecting the character. Its all about the Clicks. Plus even if i agree with him. Hes always so god damn melodramatic. Like the title of this video. There not a scene in this show where He-man takes it up the ass by Beastman. Hes not abused, hes just dead for 3 episodes. The only reason Doomcock thrives is because there a bunch of bad Reboots. If this was the 90's, His ass would be working at Starbucks. AS for teela, Yes she bitchy, but i think there reason for that, it will be explained in Part two and don't think she as bitchy as you guys are making it out to be.


They will explain her bitchiness in part 2? Haha, and there is a rational explanation for why she’s had resting bitch face for all 5 episodes so far? Like she will confirm that she’s on her period or that she suffers from bi-polar disorder? Dude what are you even talking about?
