Okay, so, I've been trying to find this out but can't.
How old were they when they were together? She was said to be 15 when she died so I assume the relationship happened at LEAST one year prior, so she'd have been 14, but how old was he? It appeared as though he was the one driving a car so he'd have been at least 16...but he looked older.
I don't know. When she met him in the hospital I felt like he seemed significantly older than her so I was surprised when they started a relationship.
I was thinking the same thing. He had to be older,I would say past 16, maybe 17 or 18. When he asked her to the prom he said something to the effect that "last year's" was a bore or something similar like that. I assumed he was talking about his junior prom and was asking her to his senior prom.
It was a senior prom? I thought it was a dance at the hospital. I wonder how long they were together before they did it. It is so sad. I completely agree with them doing that, they deserved love in their last days. I haven't seen that guy in anything since Honey, I shrunk the kids the tv show or Village of the Damned. He was so cute! What a good actor. he should do more movies.
Omg, Village of the Damned! I remember him from that film not that you mentioned it, he was so sweet, cute, and adorable in that film. The white hair and white skin with grey clothes suited him and made him look eerily innocent.
So there might have been a few years between them, but they shared something that kind of drew them together. They both got to have that special feeling of being with someone that they love and loves them just as much. Life is to short.
I sometimes wonder if people actually watch the movie before commenting or asking questions. It was a hosiptal dance!!!!! A prom was never mentioned in the movie. U didn't notice the other kids dancing in there night gowns or u the fact that taylor and kate were running through a hospital when they left the party. Taylor said that years was borning (he meant last years hosiptal dance).
I'm not saying there's anything wrong with an age difference, I just meant that he seemed SIGNIFICANTLY older than her. Like to me it looked like a 13 year old with an 18 year old, which would be weird (I know that's not how old they actually were but that's how it felt to watch.)
Yeah, I agree with you. I have nothing against Thomas Dekker, but I think he looked too much older than Kate/Sofia. I would have preferred an actor who was younger, or at least looked younger.
What do these have in common?
The Matrix The Notebook Juno Castle (TV show on ABC)
Taylor was in the book. Im glad they kept thier relationship in as it ws one of the things i really wanted to see. Some of it is changed though, in the book they dont sleep together - or whatever they did.
He is and their relationship is so much more playful and cute than in the movie. Their meeting was actually one of my fave moments and it pained me to watch it get butchered in this stupid film.
I would have put Taylor to be around sixteen or seventeen when they met. He can't have been any older since he was being treated within a paediatric unit and was able to go to a ball meant for children/teenagers. I felt he acted older because his condition had matured him and he didn't appear to have the same family support Kate had (so while his condition matured him, Kate was more sheltered and childlike on the other hand thanks to her mother's over-protectiveness).
"I always pretend to root for Gryffindors but, secretly, I love my Slytherin boys."~ Karen, W&G
OK, so I know I'm a little late on this thread/topic, but in the book (which I'm kind of assuming no-one on this thread b/c the ages were clearly mentioned... I mean no offense if you did read it), it states that Kate was 14 while Taylor was 16 at the time of their first meeting.
In the book, does it say anything about Taylor's family? I found it a little weird how in the movie you never see his parents with him while he's getting his treatments, and they don't even tell his girlfriend that he died. That's just strange to me.
"This is...impossible." "Those pajamas are impossible, this actually happened."
It says that Kate's mom went to Taylor's house after he passed away. His mom said he was "walking on air" after the dance with Kate, he spiked a fever the following night (I think it was the following night, anyway), and he passed away.
She said something along the lines of waking up in the morning and hearing noises upstairs and being happy, just for a second, because she thinks he's alive. Then the sadness sets in when she realizes that he's really gone. I also *think* Taylor's mom said she thought about calling Kate to tell them about Taylor dying, but I can't remember why she didn't.
Honestly, read the book. The movie was great, but it didn't do it justice. The book is fantastic.
I believe that she said the reason she couldn't call Kate's family to let them know that Taylor had passed, was because she was angry (I think she used an synonym for jealous... jealous seems too... harsh) that Kate lived and Taylor died. I believe this was in relation to Sara, though. (Why my child, and not yours - type thing).
And I agree with the above poster - the book was fabulous. Especially the Taylor part (since we're on the topic). I found the movie's description did not do relationship justice.
I wish Taylor wouldn't have died so abruptly. We were just getting to know him in relation to Kate. It would have been nice to keep him around for just a little longer, imo.
I agree...I liked Taylor and he just died...too soon...poor Kate :( and in the book she is 14...but I think they never mentioned how old he was...not less than 16 I personally think, that she was a lil bit too young, but...thats what I think
No, I´m not saying I´m sorry!- 30 Seconds to Mars 'Closer to the Edge'
I'd usually be against that age difference too, however, Kate was different. I can only go by the movie since I have not read the book, but, it was alluded to that she didn't go to school and didn't really have friends. Where else would she meet a boy? How often really did that opportunity happen? She wasn't a normal teen with a long life ahead of her, she was a perpetually sick teen with everyday being a blessing. I think because of that no one would want to stop a relationship because of that. If my daughter was in the same position, I wouldn't stop it.
i agree.. even if she were 14, she was definitely more mature in thinking than most 30 year old adults. I wouldnt have stopped it, as the moments in the movie, especially when she is going thru chemo and vomiting, indicates that he really cared for her and the mother knew that.
She also knew that she could die at anytime and if this boy, who obviously wasnt too many years older than she was, made her happy, then why take that away from her?
yes i think Taylor looked older than her, but he was such a good actor and sooo good looking that it didn't even matter. and some guys look a lot older than they actually are.
I thought so too but I recognized the actor from The Sarah Connor Chronicles and Heroes. The actor is 5 years older than the actress but he usually looks more boyish or younger. It's funny though how hair can age or make someone look younger. I bet if they both had hair, he wouldn't have looked so much older than her. But the bald head and no eyebrows made him look more mature and looked good on him I thought. While the same bald hair and no eyebrows made the girl look her age or younger.