Doctors don't!

Tell patients or parents of patients that they have cancer while they are sat in an open corridor! This is a ridiculous thing that occurs in tons of mainstream movies. Who has been to the hospital and had a doctor share personal medical information, especially that someone has cancer in full view of other people? Even when patients are examined on wards in British hospitals the doctor pulls the curtain around the bed.

If you start noticing how often this thing happens in films, I'm sure it'll irritate you too!


Films are not reality, thus they break the rules.


In the end the mother says "you're scheduled for surgery tomorrow" when Kate's body was shutting down. There is no way a doctor would schedule an organ transplant bc there is no way she would have survived it.


I know that movies aren't real life but they often imitate it. Doctors telling patients medical info in corridors is ridiculous!


After my little sister had lab work done, the doctor called my mom on the phone while she was in the waiting room to tell her my 4 year old sister had leukemia. Imagine a phone call like that. Indescribable.
