MovieChat Forums > Lark Rise to Candleford (2008) Discussion > Actors way older than their characters

Actors way older than their characters

I enjoy this show but some stuff bugs me.
Is Alf supposed to be a young man of late teens, early 20's? The actor looks to be at least in his 30's.
Fisher Bloom also looks like 30-something so it's creepy that he's going about with 16/17-year old Laura.

Ruby Pratt doesn't look so much younger than her sister, yet everyone talks about her as if she were 20-something. I wasn't sure how old she was meant to be -- I just figured she was meant to be middle aged but socially and emotionally immature -- until the episode where someone refers to her as lamb dressed as mutton.

Am I the only one bother by this?


I'm confused about Dorcas and Timothy. They were in love in their youth? But how long has he been married to Lady Adelaide? Maybe I missed something, but I had the impression they hadn't been married very long and she is maybe in her 20s, yet Julia Sawalha was 40 when season one aired and the actor who played Timothy has gray hair. I'm confused about whether the actor is just too old for the role or if Timothy stayed unmarried for some years before finally marrying Adelaide.
