Little House is as close as you'll get, and it's utterly different bc American society, and the notion of what American stood for, were utterly different from English society and ideas of what England stood for. (By "society," I mean "population as a whole.")
The intense stratification of English society undergirds every ep in some significant way (Dorcas and Sir T couldn't marry bc of class diffs; the Rev is a firm believer in every man being content in his station, which irks Robert (and causes conflict re: the concert); Thomas delays courting Margaret because he's mindful of their different stations in life; the Pratts talk about how Patty, the domestic from the workhouse, knows how to address "her betters"), and there's nothing comparable in the US. US at that time was about mobility, coming here to better oneself / to use everything one had to the fullest.
"All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people."