MovieChat Forums > Meet the Spartans (2008) Discussion > shortest movie ive ever seen.

shortest movie ive ever seen.

The actual story and main film went for an hour and 5 minutes. Cmon, they couldve fit abit more of comedic gold in there.


its 84min...were the credits 19 min? how?

The Dark Knight-10/10 R.I.P. Heath Ledger


They had one set of fake credits an hour into it.

A lot of people just presumed it was over and left!


i turned it off then too, but i guess that was a good thing cause i don't know how much more of this imbred trash i could stand

The Dark Knight-10/10 R.I.P. Heath Ledger


I felt the ending got rush a little, but it is kinda a short film. I didn't really mind cause I like watching one hour movies.



Honestly it's only 50 minutes. Excluding the "fake credits" it's 42 minutes.


Well i went to the theatre to see it. It was the full hour, from what "I" remember. But yet, there were many parts missing from the movie. Like the Rambo with a midget Rambo on his back. Worst off, it wasn't even in the deleted scenes in the DVD either. The Unrated DVD just had the jokes much more, explicit. Like the "drawing", of when he said, we'll take them in the rear and then take them in the front, that was not in the theatrical version. But it was the 65 mins long butttttttt, that doesn't include the outtakes after the credits part. So "trust me", I've seen the movie, many times.

But does this movie earn or deserve much more respect, HELL YES. Funny movie and not boring like alot of other movies or aka it's prequel Epic Movie. That was boring.
