You guys are pretty stuck up... It's a parody-hating bandwagon
Epic Movie sucked, a lot. Date Movie wasn't very good either. Movies like that build up on people and make them think "Omg, stop with the dumb parodies, they all suck except for Scary Movie". You're not wrong, but Meet the Spartans deserves more than just 2/10. Everyone loves to rant about how this movie was just a terrible hour of advertisements. It's not that bad, wow. If you'd all just stop hating on dumb parodies and appreciate movies for what they are, you'd have a much more enjoyable experience. Here's a quick list of parts I enjoyed.
Funny parts:
1. Leonidas beating up his son with various weapons
2. The Rocky scene
3. "Their vast numbers won't count for sh*t!"
4. "Let's talk by the giant pit of death!" "....ok" and then the way Traitoro was saying "Stop kicking people into the pit of death..."
5. Traitero's "Hehehe, I'm evil!" (the way he said it was hilarious)
6. When Leonidas came back with the penguin skin around his neck
7. "This will be the day you die..." Then the part where he corrects himself like "That's what I meant to say". Priceless delivery IMO
8. Leonidas's "take them from the rear" strategy speech
9. The whole "open-mouthed tongue kisses for the men!" skit, where Sorbo then just looks awkwardly at Leonidas
10. The acne cream scene
There. Ten funny parts from the top of my head. Stop being so stuck up and actually allow yourselves to enjoy the movie! Granted, many of the jokes were dragged on for too long (e.g. the dance-off and the pitt of death scenes), but it's not nearly as bad as people love to proclaim. I can't even tell people I enjoyed it without them calling me an immature idiot. I have an IQ of 142; I generally get A grades in English; I intend to study Media in college. I'm not stupid, and I loved The Dark Knight, The Godfather, Sin City, and even older films such as The Maltese Falcon and Double Indemnity. So please, stop.