Who watches this crap?

Seriously, who are the idiots out there that keep going to watch movies like these so that they keep getting made? I don't understand how these movies can be financial successes(which they have to be since they make like 3 a year) except that there are a bunch of retard 13-25 males out there whose sense of humor is so pathetic that they find these films funny and keep going back. I rip on girls for watching really bad chick flicks, but even they are better than you people.

"Even my parents called me Mulder" -Fox Mulder


Who watches this crap, you say? It's probably the same people who prefer "fullscreen" over widescreen.

I have no life, but don't hold that against me.


those are the same people that go into circuit city or best buy and look for an adapter to hook their 35mm camera to their car stereo. then they argue with the employee that it exists because "their friend/relative has seen it"


Hey I 've got one of them:)
Thanks for the low down on this film I was about to watch it but wont bother.


Ben, I couldnt have said it better myself. It blows my mind that people actually pay money to see this garbage.


Meet the Spartans is my favorite movie.
