MovieChat Forums > Meet the Spartans (2008) Discussion > Why was Paris Hilton hunchbacked?

Why was Paris Hilton hunchbacked?

Hi Guys,

Sorry for being so dumb (but what personality can you expect from a person who watches these kinds of movies?). I didn't really understand the reason for Paris Hilton being shown as a hunchback and long ugly left arm. She said something in the film that it was due to coming in and out of the jail so many times, or something like that (I must have dozed off by then). Can anyone please explain the logic of her being shown that way?

Thanks in advance.


The hunchback of Notre Dame, Paris, get it?


Yes, either that ...... Or the fact that the character she was replacing in the actual 300 movie had a hunchback and a strange arm.

If you're going to watch a 2/10 rated spoof, at least watch the film it portrays.


I'm probably going to get jumped for saying this but I didn't really like "300." I thought it was okay but nothing fantastic. The plot was weak & after the way Leonidas turned away the little hunchback, he pretty much deserved the slaughter he brought upon himself & the remaining 299. "Meet the Spartans" was totally asinine, but you knew that going in. I had high hopes for "300" & was greatly disappointed.



Thanks guys for your explanations. This is first spoof movie which I saw without seeing the original as I am not into period movies. So I did not watch 300.


Period movies? 300? Do you call it that because of all the blood?


LOLOL!!! *High 5*


300 was an excuse to show off slow-motion CGI effects. I quite enjoyed the movie but I'd hardly call it a period piece.

For a hilarious spoof / comedy that is not tied to any specific pop culture reference, try "My Super Ex-Girlfriend"

Jesus wasn't a homophobe.



Quickly before Zee Germans get 'ere.
