MovieChat Forums > Meet the Spartans (2008) Discussion > They Don't Make Parodies Like They Used ...

They Don't Make Parodies Like They Used to

I can't complain about the low rating this movie has. It was just awful.

For me, it was so bad that I wanted to shut it off after the first ten minutes. The whole thing was full of sick/crude humor that grossed me out rather than made me laugh. The gay references were a turn off. And there were too many bad jokes to go along with all of it. For example, the Paris Hilton joke. I didn't get the part about the giant arm. They should've just let the joke go, because it was clearly not funny, but instead they chose to keep it rolling with the phone call from Nicole, which was equally as cheesy.

They guys who wrote this should've come up with more witty and clever jokes instead of attempting to make fun of pop culture, which they poorly did. What do I mean by witty and clever jokes? There was a scene in the movie where, after kicking countless people into the Pit of Death, Leonidas pushes a garbage disposal button. THAT was funny. They should've made more jokes like that throughout the movie, but alas, they didn't.

I've probably stated what so many others have stated about this movie, but I just had to get it out. I do not recommend this movie to anyone. There are better parodies out there, such as "Naked Gun" and "Airplane!". I just seems as though Hollywood flushes these so-called "comedies" out for the sole purpose of making money.


thank you for this post. now i don't have to make it.


Meet The Spartans isn't a parody. It's a cinematic abortion.


hahaha, true!

I wish they'd stop giving these scary movie people money. All their films are terrible.

I miss the days of classic parodies where we could look forward to a central theme throughout the film not "how many films can we take the piss out of","how many celebs can we make fun of" and "how many fart jokes can we squeeze in". It's boring and uninteresting.

Question.. will we ever see a true parody/spoof again?

I hope so.

- Edit: Just answered my own question as I thought of Simon Pegg! "Shaun of the Dead" and "Hot Fuzz". Now these are good parodies! More of these please!


i concur with you about hollywood not making spoof movies like they used to. this was clearly hacked together with no thought other than "can it while 300 is still fresh and make some money" which is fine i guess, everyone needs a paycheck, but boy i watched some of this last night on hbo knowing it would suck ass and was still surprised at the obviousness, the poor acting, poor timing, nonsensical crap it turned out to be. i always point people to national lampoons loaded weapon as the cream of the crop as far as spoofs go...great script, great actors (estevez, sam jackson, shatner) great cameos (lovitz, ireland, leary, sheen, etc etc....) and just really a gag or two in every scene. anyway good post, this movie was complete *beep*

This Bellini is starting to look like a real Kapuchnik.


Spaceballs. Best parody movie ever. Although I give props to Airplane! and Naked Gun for being amazing.


Spaceballs doesn't hold a candle to Mel Brooks' earlier films (Young Frankenstein, Blazing Saddles, now THAT's how you do a Hollywood spoof), but it was his last halfway decent effort (Robin Hood: Men in Tights, anyone?). Airplane and the first Naked Gun blow away Spaceballs.

These idiots Friedberg & Seltzer (not sure on the spellings and don't bother correcting me if I'm wrong because I don't really care) could learn a thing or 2 from Brooks & the Zucker brothers, and to a lesser extent Trey Parker & Matt Stone on how to do a really good comic parody, rather than just follow the Family Guy Manatee Ball Method (props to Trey & Matt) of just stringing together pop culture references on top of a bare bones framework of a plot.



Not the worst movie when they start dancing though that part really sucks.

